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Remembrance/Armistice Day (11 November)

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I dont hate them. They're just idiots. I'd buy firewood from an idiot if he was selling it and I needed it :D


The American way is not to buy it but steel it from the guy and then blame the victim and call him an idiot. The world over can see who the real brainwashed idiots are. :loopy:

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This latest pearl of wisdom from a Saudi Arabian cleric


(Quoted from "THe Week" - a news magazine w/ending Sep 26/2008)



Bad week for Mickey Mouse.....

Errrrrrrm, is this a magazine for the consumption of the stupid Americans? Brainwashing goes on and see how well it works, eeeeeeeeeehaaaaah!!:hihi:
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not sure why it makes people feel better by calling Americans - all 300 million of them - 'stupid'.


I don't suppose you'd care to explain, tab1, exactly why 27 of the world's top universities are in the United States, while there's only 2 in the entire Muslim world, representing over 1 billion people, in the top 500?

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not sure why it makes people feel better by calling Americans - all 300 million of them - 'stupid'.

Exactly the same form of measurement that is used to lable all muslims as terrorists, all 2 Billion of them, and you don't seem to have asked the question there callipo? end of explanations, oh and just read some of the enlightened posts from our American contributors for confirmation of stupidity levels.


This just from this thread alone

It's a no brainer that Paksitan is unstable and that it's miltary are not completely trustworthy in their loyalties. Treachery is a way of life amongst those people. Churchill once said words to the effect that the middlee east was a snake pit.

Stupid, as Pakistan army has no issue of loyalties, plus the idiot doesn't even seem to know if Pakistan is in the middle east or not.


Might have to come over there and invade dear old London town after all seeing as you're giving it all up to the Muslims anyway


London-istan, center of Muslim extremism and terror training in the heart of Europe.


Stands to reason when you look at Pakistan and it's government. The great majority of the population, probably as much as 90 percent are sympathetic to the Muslim extremists war against the west and many are members of the Taliban or associates of the Bin Laden group.
clueless about Pakistan politics


And rejoicing in the streets after the London bombings..that made me sick to see that :gag:...but I'm sure it didn't bother some people on here one bit.


Only difference was that Muslims wouldn't dare cheer in the streets of NY after 911, but they had the balls to do it in streets of London, the country they live in....********.

stupid assertion of Muslims dancing in the streets. Taken in by Fox Channel and fabrications of Daily Mail types trash journalism. And look at Poppins educated language, call these people intellegent? I wouldn't.
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all 2 billion of them


somebody's been listening to the clueless clerics too much. There's nowhere near 2 billion Muslims in the world.


Oh dear, I forgot to do a poll count but they are a tad more than the 300 million Americans that wish rule the world. Reasearch shows that the total Muslim Population was 1.84 billion in year 2007, which annot be described as "nowhere near" but more like "about" 2 billions. And the clueless cleric is this http://doyoukno.wordpress.com/2008/08/04/world-muslim-population/ :lol:

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stupid assertion of Muslims dancing in the streets. Taken in by Fox Channel and fabrications of Daily Mail types trash journalism. And look at Poppins educated language, call these people intellegent? I wouldn't.


Sorry if you don't like the sound of my language tab1, my Sheffield education is still with me, and yes I have seen the Britishvideo of Muslims celebrating in the streets after 7/7...didn't you ? everyone else in England did, your a complete idiot pretending you know nothing about it but somehow you seem to find these tragedies sooo funny .

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