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Remembrance/Armistice Day (11 November)

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So you haven't got any links to the cellebrations by all muslims in London after the 7/7 attacks? Funny that isn't poppins? Last two posts are clutching at straws and a sign of looking for help to divert attention, please prove yourself not a brainwashed idiot like your redneck friend who simply follows Fox Channel rhetoric.




Looks like after hourse of waiting the stupidity of the couple of Americans can be said to have been well and truely CONFIRMED!:lol:

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So you haven't got any links to the cellebrations by all muslims in London after the 7/7 attacks? Funny that isn't poppins? Last two posts are clutching at straws and a sign of looking for help to divert attention, please prove yourself not a brainwashed idiot like your redneck friend who simply follows Fox Channel rhetoric.




Looks like after hourse of waiting the stupidity of the couple of Americans can be said to have been well and truely CONFIRMED!:lol:


You spelled the word "truly" wrong. What's the matter with you boy? :hihi:


You're all so fired up and wild eyed that you can't even edit your own garbage properly


And you talk about others being ignorant?

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Reasearch shows that the total Muslim Population was 1.84 billion in year 2007, which annot be described as "nowhere near" but more like "about" 2 billions. And the clueless cleric is this http://doyoukno.wordpress.com/2008/0...im-population/


hahaha you really are a total joke, tab1.


the link you provide is, if not a clueless cleric exactly, rather more like an Islamist blog, with links like 'how to convert to Islam and become a Muslim'.


even the highest estimates put the figure for Muslims in the world at no more than 1.2billion. And your own source contradicts itself by including a pie graph showing that Muslims constitute 21% of the global population (which is about right). If there were 1.8bn Muslims, then that would mean the world population would be close to 9 billion, rather than the 6.7 billion it actually is.

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Christ on a crutch. Do none of you supposed "adults" feel at all bad about turning a "rememberance" thread into WW3?!!


And no offense meant to the OP, who I believe was just trying to do something nice. I'm sorry your thread turned nasty hon, but that's people I guess. :(


I'm sorry too Sierra and I know that the OP's original intent was a decent one and I've contributed a bit of the nastiness also but you know as well as I do that posting anything about the US on this forum invariably attracts a lot of nasty comments so it was par for the course as they say.


My own feelings are that I will respond in kind to a posting that is polite and respectful and also in kind to those which are based on ignorance and hate. I've never been one to turn the other cheek and probably never will be and whether the recipient likes it or not doesn't matter at all to me.


We had a neighbour up the street who lost her husband on 9/11 and also left two small children fatherless. We did all we could to help her through her agony and raised quite a bit of money between us to help her out. Eventually because she could no longer pay the high mortgage on her house it went into foreclosure. She had to move out of a very nice, fairly affluent neighbourhood and rent an apartment in another neighbourhood which is far from anything most people would want to live in.


I guess the terrorist act on 9/11 kind of hits a personal cord with me.

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not sure why it makes people feel better by calling Americans - all 300 million of them - 'stupid'.


I don't suppose you'd care to explain, tab1, exactly why 27 of the world's top universities are in the United States, while there's only 2 in the entire Muslim world, representing over 1 billion people, in the top 500?


And those two universities probably have major courses on "Infidel Hatred"

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I'm sorry too Sierra and I know that the OP's original intent was a decent one and I've contributed a bit of the nastiness also but you know as well as I do that posting anything about the US on this forum invariably attracts a lot of nasty comments so it was par for the course as they say.


My own feelings are that I will respond in kind to a posting that is polite and respectful and also in kind to those which are based on ignorance and hate. I've never been one to turn the other cheek and probably never will be and whether the recipient likes it or not doesn't matter at all to me.


We had a neighbour up the street who lost her husband on 9/11 and also left two small children fatherless. We did all we could to help her through her agony and raised quite a bit of money between us to help her out. Eventually because she could no longer pay the high mortgage on her house it went into foreclosure. She had to move out of a very nice, fairly affluent neighbourhood and rent an apartment in another neighbourhood which is far from anything most people would want to live in.


I guess the terrorist act on 9/11 kind of hits a personal cord with me.


Why then do you appear to be opposed to the justice that the victims of 9/11 want?


Distracting the issues on to an attack on muslims is not justice.

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You see honest people don't even know how the bloody word is even spelt but you robbing swines do. Oh it wasn't my dady weaving carpets sunny but my Grandady fighting for this country that I live, work and pay my taxes in. No will not put up withFox Channel reared, brainwashed, fat, loud mouth American idiots, only 7% of whom have passports and claiming to know more about my religion than I do. In particular the pathetic dopy American who thinks Pakistan is in the middle East.:loopy:


Real Sheffielders know steel from steal:hihi: Did you ever work in a steel mill, a foundry, a machine shop, down the mines? I lived in the Sheffield of that era. Sheffield STEEL was renowned the world over for it's quality and of course Sheffield cutlery was found in every home from Wala Wala to Timbuktoo.


Did you ever serve in the British Army? I did. Two years national service part of which was spent tramping through the stinking jungles of Malaya and Borneo. All for queen, country and empire


You like to call people ignorant and stupid but I reckon you're pretty much that way yourself. I know for a fact that you've never been to the USA. Your ignorant assumptions have already proved that.


Broaden your mind lad. Do some travelling and get off those paranoid hate websites that people like you feed themselves on


PS If you're going to call me sony at least get it right. "Sunny" as you spelt it means that the sun is out and shining as opposed to it being concealed by cloudy conditions


Oh! Oh! Another blooper! Not Dady but "Daddy" and of course Gandady should have been "Grand daddy"


You really must try to do better on your spelling. What would your teacher say if only he/she could see you now?

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based on 2006 results


Muslim Population is increasing at the rate of 2.9%**

We are taking the rate of natural increase as 2% around the world. The Muslim population in 2007 is 1841.67 million.


**US Center For World Mission 1997 Report

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