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Remembrance/Armistice Day (11 November)

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Broaden your mind lad. Do some travelling and get off those paranoid hate websites that people like you feed themselves on


How ironic? You spout hate for the Muslims and ask me to get off hate websites, nice. I have never suported any terrorist viewpoint and find their philosophy equally as abhorent as the idiot Muslim haters. You put yourself in the muslim haters camp, not me, so no matter where you have worked or what you did is your business but what you write on here that apparently is ignorant then people will point out your shortcomings. To be taken in by Fox channel and regard all muslims as terrorists is stupid no matter how well you may be able to spell,......sonny

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How ironic? You spout hate for the Muslims and ask me to get off hate websites, nice. I have never suported any terrorist viewpoint and find their philosophy equally as abhorent as the idiot Muslim haters. You put yourself in the muslim haters camp, not me, so no matter where you have worked or what you did is your business but what you write on here that apparently is ignorant then people will point out your shortcomings. To be taken in by Fox channel and regard all muslims as terrorists is stupid no matter how well you may be able to spell,......sonny


I don't really hate them SUNNY. I just think that they are a repressive religious sect and my feelings are more like contempt if anything.


I wonder for example what a young third generation born British muslim woman feels having to wear clothing that requires her to cover her whole body and face except for eye holes. I've seen them walking around streets and malls and they speak with English accents so it's obvious they're not straight off the boat.


How do they feel when they compare their lifestyles to that of non-muslim women of their age?


Can't go out and buy a nice skirt, dress or pair of jeans at the local store.


Can't wear make up or sneak a ciggy now and again.


Can't have a drink with girl friends or boy friends at the local pub


Can't go to the local Saturday night dance


Can't drive a car most likely


Can't go to the cinema and see any kind of film they want


And as for hanky panky? A definite death sentence from loving Papa there


They are probably brainwashed about the evil and sinful ways of the infidels amongst who they live and I know there have been cases where girls have been packed off the Pakistan ( a country they've never seen) and forced into arranged marriages with scrungy old men.


Oh yes! I know summat about it.

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Ha ha, after writing that tripe and claiming to know summat about it is precisely why I call you ignorant, and wayhey off the mark.


But you've got nothing else to say other than your favourite word "ignorant"


Well at least you know how to spell that.


If Bullsh*t and idiocy was electricity you'd be a freakin' Power House :D




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long live Fox news Heeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaa!! Keeping the idiots in place.:hihi:


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And you no doubt read "The Sun" for your intellectual guidance.


OOOps sorry! I know you people aren't allowed to look at naughty young ladies showing their tooties even in print. :hihi:


My sympathies in your predicaments


Now you're boring me so enough is enough.

Adios Muchacho !

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Why then do you appear to be opposed to the justice that the victims of 9/11 want?


Distracting the issues on to an attack on muslims is not justice.


Who said I was opposed to justice for all victims? American victims of course.


I think justice could be finally done if Saudi Arabia (from where most of the hijackers came from) agreed to pay heavy compensation to each and every family who lost a member, or a member who was permanently injured that day.


Those big fat oil Sheikhs have enough money made from their overpriced oil


They wouldn't miss it and after all old Quadaffi of Libya coughed up compensation for the death and misery his goons caused.... right?

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long live Fox news Heeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaa!! Keeping the idiots in place.:hihi:


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And you no doubt read "The Sun" for your intellectual guidance.


OOOps sorry! I know you people aren't allowed to look at naughty young ladies showing their tooties even in print. :hihi:


My sympathies in your predicaments


Now you're boring me so enough is enough.

Adios Muchacho !

There has not been any debate or any constructive argument from the American idiots but display of ignorance and false accusations. What a wasted life it must be for fools? I am no supporter of terrorism but in face of such Americans display of such stupidity and arrogance maybe they felt there was no other answer?:huh:


Why not back up your accusations and provide evidence that all Muslims cellebrated on the streets of London. Also maybe learn where Pakistan is too, and a clue is, it's not in the Middle East. :lol:

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I'm sorry too Sierra and I know that the OP's original intent was a decent one and I've contributed a bit of the nastiness also but you know as well as I do that posting anything about the US on this forum invariably attracts a lot of nasty comments so it was par for the course as they say.


My own feelings are that I will respond in kind to a posting that is polite and respectful and also in kind to those which are based on ignorance and hate. I've never been one to turn the other cheek and probably never will be and whether the recipient likes it or not doesn't matter at all to me.


We had a neighbour up the street who lost her husband on 9/11 and also left two small children fatherless. We did all we could to help her through her agony and raised quite a bit of money between us to help her out. Eventually because she could no longer pay the high mortgage on her house it went into foreclosure. She had to move out of a very nice, fairly affluent neighbourhood and rent an apartment in another neighbourhood which is far from anything most people would want to live in.


I guess the terrorist act on 9/11 kind of hits a personal cord with me.



How did your friend fall through the loop?


Unless this.... http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2005/09/11/the_problem_with_the_911_fund/ ............ is bullsh*t.

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