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Remembrance/Armistice Day (11 November)

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War is not glorious, but that isn't the issue of remembrance. We remember those who laid down their lives for their country - whether they chose to fight or not, the sacrifice was still made.

I can't imagine having to watch my close friends or family leaving to fight, knowing I may never see them again, because they have been conscripted into the army; thankfully these days I don't have to.

So many lives were lost, futures destroyed, for both the soldiers and those they left behind. We remember those who were just pawns in a terrible game; but because of their part we now live in a peaceful democracy.

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i for one will wear a poppy with pride, these men lost their lives so you had the freedom to post on here, ALL war is evil but the money raised by wearing a poppy goes directly to the families of servicemen kiled, to not wear a poppy is disrespectful to the ones killed in any war.



my grandfather nearly lost his life fighting for the freedom of britian ans i will remember him and the tens of thousands of other people lost to this barbaric game the goverments play






to my grandfather...........never forgotton always proud x x x x


lest we forget.


Same here xruthx, my dad fought in the second world war, he was in a tank in Italy, the stories he told us as children were terrible, so to me he was and still is glorious.

And i shall be proud to wear my poppy tomorrow, we must never forget

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Indeed pk - and what crass lack of gratitude from those who refuse to wear a red poppy.


I don't wear a poppy, and it's got nothing to do with a lack of gratitude.


I've spent the last six months doing research as part of a PhD thesis into various aspects of the First World War. Academics of many type who look at the War, including war historians, literary critics, political theorists, sociologists, etc., are all engaged in a constant act of remembrance by the very nature of their work.


Your dismissal of anyone who chooses not to wear a poppy as 'left wing' and disrespectful is naive at best.

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If it had not been for those who died in both world wars the people that try to undermine their memory possibly wouldnt have been allowed to spout their agendas as free speaking individuals.


Not only those that died, but also those that came back and fought the Nazi off our streets, like the 43 Group.

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Sorry, but in my opinion there is bugger all "glorious" about the poor sods who died in the First World War


I wonder Dozy if the families of the "poor sods" would share your view that their loved ones were not "GLORIOUS"


What right do you have to say whether they were or not


And as for your response to the post which mentioned the glorious dead, that poem was written by a soldier in the trenches during the First World War and I would think that he was in a better position to judge how he felt about it than yourself

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Changed my avatar too and whichever jacket I decide to wear until the 11th, there will be a poppy on it. I know of no one personally that died in either of the wars, but will be remembering that a lot did and have done, in all the other ones since.

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There is nothing glorious about being killed in war, and no pride for me in wearing a poppy. I wear one but feel only grief for the hundreds of millions who have died in the name of war.


From the innocent young men slaughtered pointlessly in the first world War , to the innocent Afghan civilians cut down just this week by US bombs.


My poppy is for them all.


Very nicely put.

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