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Remembrance/Armistice Day (11 November)

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At 11 am yesterday, Mrs hillsbro and I were changing buses at Doncaster Interchange. After checking the time, we were preparing to stand quietly to observe the silence when an announcement was made over the P.A. that a two-minute silence would be observed throughout the Interchange, which (so far as we could see) it was by all present.


Remembrance Day means a little more to me this year than previously, as in April I visited the grave of my great-uncle Charles Betts who was killed, aged just 18, a few weeks before the end of the First World War. His grave is one of almost 1,300 in Gouzeaucourt cemetery, which is one of the smaller ones. Makes you think.

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Hi to Echo beach and rogG.I am so glad that you all feel the same as i do.I do think that 11/11 should be made a public holiday so as to remind the following generations what its all about, otherwise it will be forgotten for ever.

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Hi rogG.No its not a holiday here,but what they do is have the big get together and service at the local R>S>L>, on the sunday nearest to the 11th.Then lay the wreaths. It is a big day here tho.Then on the 11th comes the 2 minutes silence .

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  • 11 months later...

I noticed there's been a mass outbreak of poppy wearing amongst BBC presenters. It's been criticised in the newspapers as too early as they're not actually on sale yet, but that's not the point of this post.


I notice that they have a leaf now. Since when did that happen and is it a new thing for this year? I don't remember them having a leaf before.


It's botanically incorrect as no poppy species has leaves anywhere near the flower. The flower is always isolated on a long stem above any foliage.

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