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What a day!

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It's my last day at work before I join the ranks of tax dodging student scum and it's a disaster. Am working my ass off! Haven't been able to go out for a beer at lunchtime and gwad knows what time I'm going to get out of here tonight. There is no one to take over from me so it looks like I might even have to come back in for a couple of days next week to finish things off if we don't find a fix today (this is banking software I'm talking about - a new requirement thrown in at the last minute). Are all companies this uselss - disorganised etc???? I've worked for four companies in 14 years and it always seems to be the same - you hand in your notice and on the last day people realise you're going and you're dumped in the ****! Has anyone had similar experiences? :o

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Originally posted by Jules Student

It's my last day at work before I join the ranks of tax dodging student scum and it's a disaster. Am working my ass off! Haven't been able to go out for a beer at lunchtime and gwad knows what time I'm going to get out of here tonight. There is no one to take over from me so it looks like I might even have to come back in for a couple of days next week to finish things off if we don't find a fix today (this is banking software I'm talking about - a new requirement thrown in at the last minute). Are all companies this uselss - disorganised etc???? I've worked for four companies in 14 years and it always seems to be the same - you hand in your notice and on the last day people realise you're going and you're dumped in the ****! Has anyone had similar experiences? :o


Most people here meet at a pub at lunchtime on their last day and just don't go back to work. You seem dedicated, are you sure the student life's for you?


Whatever, best of luck to you. Doing a degree in my 30s was the second best decision I made in my life so I know where you're coming from.



fyi On my last day as a PO driver before starting on my degree, I just got bored and returned a van half full of parcels to the depot.

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Dedicated or derranged was that??? Hopefully being a dedicated student will mean that I get a good degree and manage to get a job doing something I enjoy before it's time to retire! What degree did you do? Are you using it in what you do now? And was was your best decision if that was second best??

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Jules Student, it not your problem anymore. What can they do? Sack you? Let it be and go home at 5.30 or whatever your normal finishing time and forget about thinking of coming back for the two days next week, unless they phone you... then command a high price - 1K a day is acceptable otherwise they wouldn't need to phone you.

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Originally posted by Jules Student

Dedicated or derranged was that??? Hopefully being a dedicated student will mean that I get a good degree and manage to get a job doing something I enjoy before it's time to retire! What degree did you do? Are you using it in what you do now? And was was your best decision if that was second best??


I did a BSc in IT and yes, I work in IT still. Best decision was leaving t'south and moving in with my partner here in Sheffield nearly 30 years ago.

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