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Spiders and hoovers


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Because they have secret little homing devices on their heads(havn`t you seen them?), and they always come back, but bring their mates with little spears and guns and stuff, then you have an army of peed off spiders rampaging round your house.:rant:

Splat em befre they splat you;)


Lol! that's so true, I bet there are about 4 in our house tonight, I will keep you posted!

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All the spiders I have seen this year, have been amputee`s (is that spelt right?)

We had 2 with 6 legs and 1 with 5 legs, still like lightening though:gag:

I can`t sleep if I know there s one in the bedroom(I won`t even go in it) once we were in bed and one(a big fat brown one with massive teeth) fell on OH`s face, he started jumping about. We switched light on and it was running round the bed, when he knocked it onto the floor and splatted it.

I couldn`t get back i bed cos it had been on the sheets(stupid I know) so i we had to chage all the bedding before I`d get back in bed:hihi:

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I had an absolute monster the other day, a huge great hairy thing with tattoos and and flick knife scuttling up the wall behind a cabinet and giving me the rods because it knew i couldn't reach it. I swear it was sniggering as I ran around like a headless chicken. :gag::gag:

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I had an absolute monster the other day, a huge great hairy thing with tattoos and and flick knife scuttling up the wall behind a cabinet and giving me the rods because it knew i couldn't reach it. I swear it was sniggering as I ran around like a headless chicken. :gag::gag:


See, when you tell people, they think you`re exaggerating:rolleyes:I have seen these:suspect:

Its only when they get attacked by the mutant spider army that they wished they believed you;)

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I very rarley get spders in my flat , well what i see anyways but i went to the bathroom th other day opened door and it ran from behind it :/

i ran into the hall shoved my husband outta the way and was like " ITS MASSIVE GET IT" so while i was then hiding in the beroom he had to move it :D lol

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I've already been round with the spider stop spray because we had one the other week that was so big it pushed my laptop case over :shocked:


If a spider isn't bright enough to know it should stay out of my sight then it isn't going to be much cop at catching creepy crawlies. I'm actually helping spiders evolve into more intelligent creatures who know to stay out of the way by splattering the stupid ones :thumbsup:

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There was a big one in the bath the other night and I knew it was the Ross Kemp of spiders because it only had 7 legs. It made no attempt to hide in the shower curtain, it just sat there as if to say "Stuff you, matey". However it might have been waiting for me to make a spider ladder out of bogroll, which suggests spiders have memories!!!!!!


There's an even bigger one in the bedroom which is like a shaved tarantula. It lives under the bed and I think it's crawled on me in the night a few times!

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