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The Sheffield Gay Scene


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Why do some of you guys make so much about being gay? I might just start a similar boring thread about folk that are straight, honestly guys, most folk couldn't care a flying ****.


For Christ's sake, stop flying a banner about your sexuality, and get on with living your lives.

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well think of it this way. If you look at a straight man and how much his sexuality influences his life, you will find that is is pretty much 100%, its not really any different if you are gay, it affects your life 100% so there shouldnt be any reason to hide it any more than straight men hide their sexuality

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Oh, pardon me, I just popped in to see if there was any interesting info about the gay scene in Sheffield to be found in this thread, but it seems to have degenerated into another place where people are hurling abuse about.


I'm not sure how having a thread about any kind of particular venues in the city equals people 'banging on about' their sexuality. Some people seem to think any mention of 'the g-word' equals an afront on their sensibilities. Keep it to yourselves.


Meanwhile, is there any info on how the new affinity is doing?

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Oh, pardon me, I just popped in to see if there was any interesting info about the gay scene in Sheffield to be found in this thread, but it seems to have degenerated into another place where people are hurling abuse about.



Dead Right, Craig; I've seen the same kind of slanging match all too often in the LGBT Scene:hihi:


Re. Affinity, I popped into it just before Xmas, but it was really quiet; even Club Xes was very quiet last Friday though; maybe has something to do with that white stuff called snow....


There are rumors that some kind of new night of entertainment is on the cards at Dempseys; I'll let you all know if anything comes of it!

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Everytime I go there, there is w black guys stood there dancing and smoking, whilst the one bar staff you have one is stood there watching wondering if he should do the right thing or just don nothing (which he does do).


Then the door man is happy to just stand there and watch fights break out.


How about next time you do visit lions lair, or even if you're just passing, you identify yourself have a word with the door staff who are working, and they can address your concerns. I'm not sure if you are dilusional or simply trying to make Lions Lair look bad for whatever reason, but you are completely out of line making such comments and alligations, so let me just clear a few things up for you.


Lions Lair does not allow people to smoke inside. Admittedly, being a late night venue, you get a few customers who occassionally are that wasted that they forget and light up inside, these people are always ushered outside as soon as someone alerts the door staff, or a member of door staff see's them doing so.


If there is a problem inside, the bar staff will always do their best to alert the door staff of problems inside, but obviously when you've got a busy bar, lots of stock on the bar and money in the till, its not always as simple as leaving the bar unattended. The door staff do regular checks of safety inside; checking the bar staff are okay, checking nothing untowards is going on in the toilets, etc.


I think the only venue I would be worried about get beaten up at would be Lions Lair, I got hit a few months back just turning the corner. I can't stand the place to be fair. And I think the straight crowd that go there don't realise that it's a 'gay friendly' bar!


I'm not sure if you've ever stopped and talked to the door staff at lions lair (I suspect you haven't), because if you had you'd realise that they are a very proffessional bunch. Often on weekends, you will find several door staff on the door and inside, because a lot of door staff from other venues such as sanctuary and affinity come to lions after their shifts and help out, often for free. So this whole impression of door staff which don't care for the safety of customers is frankly a load of crap!


You'd also find that they evaluate customers who approach the venue very well. If the staff don't recognise the individuals at the door, they will ask them if they are aware that it is a gay friendly bar. If anything, I've noticed the door staff will sometimes use this to put unsavory characters off entering! Yes, more straight people are going to Lions Lair on a weekend, but there are still plenty of gay men and women who visit lions on the weekends and have a good time.

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Just a reminder that its SUPERHEROES Climax tomorrow (Friday 15th Jan) All advance tickets purchased from the Union Box office (before 5pm 15.01.10) Are 2-4-1!


See You Tomorrow




Climax x


Im sure we will all be there, then probably to the afterparty at demspeys!

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