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Slightly biased gallimore, your boyfriend is one of the door staff!


I think you will find the Gallimore that posted that is not the same person you are thinking of. Yes my surname is Gallimore and its me thats dating a member of the door team, not the Gallimore thats posted previously.


Everyone is entitled to thier opinions and im in agreement with the fact that all of the Lions staff are professional in thier jobs, Baised or not

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I just want to report how fabulous the new Affinity Mulberry was last night when I went in with my friend Aaron - looks like this will be our main hangout from now on - they have excellent loo facilities and mirrors for when we want to restyle and wax our hair ... unlike SOME other bars I can think of ...


Nice to hear there is one good thing about it and at least i can go there feeing assured of a clean toilet and mirrors lol.

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We all went to Affinitys opening night, and I thought it was a lovely venue. From the outside yeah it doesnt have the same presence, but its much better inside i think than the old place. They seem to be doing well from what i've heard. Lions Lair shares the same group of door staff and they say alls going well too.

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You can't get an unbaised view on Lions Lair. As it was pointed out that one of the bar staff is his boyfriend? I have recently took back some of the criticism from Lions Lair after I have found out who the new sercurity staff are. The point I was making was that the door staff when I was there was pretty in a word 'lazy'. I was inside whilst people was smoking, looked like this occured every single weekend, whilst there was fights breaking out and the doorman was just stood outside the door 'amused'


I'm being honest and saying that LL is the worst venue on the scene abd the grottiest and I know there isn't much that the management can do, due it probbaly getting closed down soon, but I'm not willing to pay £4 to get into an environment where the prices do not reflect the environment, whilst some of the door staff are letting in people because they fancy someone's mate.




As for Affinity, it's really nice, but the music for me is absolute garbish. Most people will be found upstairs rather than downstairs where the dancefloor is. In my view they should just drop the prices in every department and call it a loss for 2010. It's £3 to get in Affinity/Dempsey's and you're guaranteed a busy night in Dempsey's. I think you should put the ent fee to £1, then it will be busier!! I hope Affinity does start getting busier though as I hear rumours that they are on free rent for 6 months (3months gone so far) and are still making a loss.


At Dempsey's you're always guaranteed a busy night. I do sometimes get worried when outside, because of the dirty looks you get, not to mention it is probably the most recognised gay venue in Sheffield and a hotspot for haters. There is no doubt about that the prices of drinks are 'top heavy' and the environment that you will be isn't great, but you're guarantted a good night. If there was one thing I can't stand about the place is the fact that the close the downstairs toilets, because th upstairs toilets are always full when they close and nobody dares to **** in the urinals!

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