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The Sheffield Gay Scene


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Agree with Redroom - all venues can and should work together. More venues means more people coming out I reckon !



Yes they should work together, but it will never happen, its been like this for a long time, and even now people are banning staff/etc from one pub to another, its very petty and childish.

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Yes they should work together, but it will never happen, its been like this for a long time, and even now people are banning staff/etc from one pub to another, its very petty and childish.


No staff etc from other venues are barred from Lions Lair. Infact we offer most of them a drink, as well as queue jump and free entry whenever they have chance to come!


(It is only me that is barred lol)

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No staff etc from other venues are barred from Lions Lair. Infact we offer most of them a drink, as well as queue jump and free entry whenever they have chance to come!


(It is only me that is barred lol)


Very admirable sentiments James - poor you for being the only sane tolerant voice on here - pity some staff in some OTHER pubs would not follow your lead and allow everyone into their venues !

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it is very petty. im sure no other bars are like that on the sheffield scene. although maybe the barrings arent innocent? plus, it doesnt make it any better that certain scene queens act like they run the scene and are "famous" among their own, push around stories and rumours. one of the gay scene's promotors works for us and we hear some proper controversial and stupid stuff.

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i find it very school yard-ish - all this bickering, but on the other hand, somewhat amusing!


I think a large percentage of gay people thrive on having all this bitchyness present in their lives, and it just so happens that some of them own bars, or work in them. What amuses me more is the fact that some bar staff (and they are just 'staff'... and staff = dispencable) think they run the show. Even me, in my limited knowledge of the inner workings of the scene bars etc, can see that certain queens really need to get a life and just shut their mouth!


I was always told, that if i didnt have anything intelligent or productive to say, keep quiet. Its a shame the queens were not brought up in a similar manner!

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i agree. bar staff are there to do a job. they get paid minimum wage to serve the rest of the community drinks. a monkey could do that job, so why certain queens (that work in these bars) prance around acting like they own it is completely beyond me.They drive the customers away, and they wont come back while that person is still working there. One of the queens used to work at our venue when Fuel was here, and i for one, say never again.

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Redroom, you couldn't have put it better.


Prime suspects are the 18-21yr olds, fake tan or foundation is nearly always present, and they are so full of themselves that they probably actually beleive that they are the best looking guy on the planet. The truth is though, that if they went to Manchester or somewhere where the scene is somewhat bigger than 4 bars and a dive of a club, they would be insignificant and nothing special at all. Its a shame that when they get in this frame of mind that it ends up with customers avoiding bars because of the staff. The only way round it is for the owners to wake up and sack them!


The only vaguley normal staff i have seen were at FAB when it was open, Sanctuary to a certain extent at the moment (some hideous queens there though), and Lions Lair.


Ahhh well, when they get to 22+ and the new lot of 18yr olds move onto their turf, they will eventually realise how daft this all is. Maybe!



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I doubt that they will ever realise tbh, reffering to one of as you say (hideous queens) that works in Sanctuary i hear, that is mid twenties and still acting like they own the entire scene and everyone adores them. These 18-21 year olds are the main customers at places like Sanctuary and Dempseys though..but they do make a bad impression on the older customers when theyre rolling around paraletic on the floor leaving fake tan marks on the carpets. Saying that, im only 19 but i know how to act, and apparently i know the scene alot better than some of the ones that have been round longer.

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Not sure I agree entirely with redroom : Monkey's could serve people drinks but good bar staff do much more - welcome people as they come in, talk to them rather than just do facebook mobile / text there friends, and generally make customers feel welcome. There are some good bar staff out there and they do a great job ! However, I do agree there are many that dont do much more then open bottles...

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