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The Sheffield Gay Scene


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There is a market you're right, but they're not aiming it right. Climax does so well because of the drinks offers, the dj's, the live entertainment and the themes , plus the fact that the venue is so big and only held once a month. It's what 4 quid to get in..which is a pound dearer than events at bars. Dempseys will never lose the customers because it has the reputation, everybody always ends up in dempseys and people love it becasue you can do what you want in there. get off your face and be falling around and no-one will care. There's no pretence. The fact is,the Sheffield gay scene wil never change. regardless of people's attempts. You can bring Manchester to Sheffield but you can't make it work.

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I am surprised redroom you are missing speed queen off the list (I am assuming you're same redroom)! That is busy and a brilliant night! Like you say they are doing it wrong. I think Sanctuary is a nice place but not a 'club'. Personally, I can bare climax once every couple of months, I would love a gay venue to play proper music and not cheesy crap. Like a drum and bass night and electro nights and stuff like that, but hey the chances of that are as likely as Boris johnson deciding he wants to be the mayor of Sheffield instead.

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I am surprised redroom you are missing speed queen off the list (I am assuming you're same redroom)! That is busy and a brilliant night! Like you say they are doing it wrong. I think Sanctuary is a nice place but not a 'club'. Personally, I can bare climax once every couple of months, I would love a gay venue to play proper music and not cheesy crap. Like a drum and bass night and electro nights and stuff like that, but hey the chances of that are as likely as Boris johnson deciding he wants to be the mayor of Sheffield instead.


You clearly havent been to an after party at lions lately then in regard to music?


DJ Nick Davy Ibiza Mix Mag 2007 DJ of yr 2007 (Too many, Google it!)

DJ Tyronnster (Too many, Google it!) Last Sat Month

DJ Carl Dean (Resident)


DJ John Dixon (Speedqueen)

DJ Edwin James (Cellar 35) First Sat of Month

All the above DJ's have played at Lions in the last 2 months. We also have a another Speedqueen resident lined up for a guest slot on 24th of Jan.


As well as being the After Party venue of choice for Tuesday club, a massive Sheff Uni night of Drum and Bass.


It is the only gay bar that does play 'Proper' music as a rule, as that is what the owners like! It is open 3am till 6.30am EVERY Friday and Sat. And as for club, it may be small but has 3k watts of sound, lazer, smoke machine, UV, Strobe and 4 intelli lights. (These all only come on at 3am, until then its a little more chilled !)


Here is a link to the group if you use facebook


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I mostly agree with Redroom.... i dont think a venue the size of Nylon / Fuel can be supported by the amount of gay people in shef, and they arent exactly going to start travelling from manc or leeds to shef now are they. Fuel had a lot of backing by their Hull outfit i feel, and still they flopped.


At the end of the day, bar / club owners are there to make money, and the gay scene is not big enough to support a £60k / year lease on places like Nylon. It would have to be mostly straight, with gay nights.


Sanctuary is an ok bar, but certainly not a club! Just as i would not class Dempseys / Xes / Affinity as a club! They are just large bars with a dance floor! A club to me is Carling Academy or Leadmill... or Republic before it got toasted.


Re proper music, i will second Lions Lair on their DJ's, we end up there every friday and some saturdays if the guest DJ is our cup of tea, awesome.

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I am surprised redroom you are missing speed queen off the list (I am assuming you're same redroom)! That is busy and a brilliant night! Like you say they are doing it wrong. I think Sanctuary is a nice place but not a 'club'. Personally, I can bare climax once every couple of months, I would love a gay venue to play proper music and not cheesy crap. Like a drum and bass night and electro nights and stuff like that, but hey the chances of that are as likely as Boris johnson deciding he wants to be the mayor of Sheffield instead.


I cant bare climax every month either, but it makes its money and people go like it's their religion. As do Speedqueen clientelle. Speedqueen is the only alternative gay night atm, considering everywhere else is still stuck in a cheesy dance/ commercial pop rut. Lions lair always manage to pull customers in for their afterparties and have even reached a straight market, as their Dj's have abit of a difference. I believe that lions had a drum and bass night the other week? Speedqueen will be the only electro gay night that works, theres many electro nights in sheffield, ie. Fez club, Cellar 35. That attract many people in. It's just an idea that's not destined to work on the gay scene.

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I cant bare climax every month either, but it makes its money and people go like it's their religion. As do Speedqueen clientelle. Speedqueen is the only alternative gay night atm, considering everywhere else is still stuck in a cheesy dance/ commercial pop rut. Lions lair always manage to pull customers in for their afterparties and have even reached a straight market, as their Dj's have abit of a difference. I believe that lions had a drum and bass night the other week? Speedqueen will be the only electro gay night that works, theres many electro nights in sheffield, ie. Fez club, Cellar 35. That attract many people in. It's just an idea that's not destined to work on the gay scene.


Hi Redroom, I was 'facebooked' this morning with the details for Speedqueen. Are there any advance ticket purchase outlets or is it only on the door? Also there is mention of a 'Secret Official' After party, does this mean that the previous venue has changed, and how much notice will we get of its location?

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Hi Redroom, I was 'facebooked' this morning with the details for Speedqueen. Are there any advance ticket purchase outlets or is it only on the door? Also there is mention of a 'Secret Official' After party, does this mean that the previous venue has changed, and how much notice will we get of its location?


we have been intouch with terry george (speed queen owner) and as far as he is aware the official speed queen after party and ticket sales will still be available from sanctuary and the after party is NOT going to be moving to any other venue any time soon

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there is no tickets available for speedqueen, its pay on the door as it is every month. As it is redroom that allocate the tickets i dont understand why Sanctuary will be selling tickets as they have not been allocated any by the management at Redroom or the manager of speedqueen?Sanctuary has never been the official afterparty of speedqueen or any other event, bar tease and rah rah rah.

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As with Climax, when the OFFICIAL afterparty was at Sanctuary, when the union does not endorse outside venues. Refering back to a post i have just seen from Sanctuary from 4 days ago, saying that Sheffield can be the next Manchester or Leeds, and that people will soon come from them places. They must be living in a dreamworld. Why on earth would people travel from Manc and Leeds to go to a night at a bar...Not a club..that was done 6 years ago over there?

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