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The Sheffield Gay Scene


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It'll be great news if Essential come to Sheffield. I was in their talent contest in Manchester and really enjoyed it, singing my one and only 'Wuthering Heights'...

...damn it, but however much I try and avoid singing the song, everyone keeps wanting to hear it lol :hihi:


That is questionable! :hihi:

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it'll be great news if essential come to sheffield. I was in their talent contest in manchester and really enjoyed it, singing my one and only 'wuthering heights'...

...damn it, but however much i try and avoid singing the song, everyone keeps wanting to hear it lol :hihi:


the jury is out on that one darling

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It'll be great news if Essential come to Sheffield. I was in their talent contest in Manchester and really enjoyed it, singing my one and only 'Wuthering Heights'...

...damn it, but however much I try and avoid singing the song, everyone keeps wanting to hear it lol :hihi:


Well it just proves how popular gay artists are Tyranna unlike certain D*** names on here who post idiotic comments and dont know what they are talking about when it comes to art or drag venues ...

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OMG! I had just been researching what's happening on the 'scene' in a town where I used to live in Kent many moons ago, when I came across the following link: http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/14/1433/Affinity/Bexleyheath

and: http://www.ukpubfinder.com/pub/26248

and: http://www.dontstayin.com/uk/london/affinity-bar

Don't think it is any relation to the one in Sheffield, and certainly don't think it's Gay, unfortunately...


BTW, Re. the GALA Gay Arts Festival, I'm in hte process of setting up an official Committee, so as to secure grants for organising events.


Anyone interested email me at dan@alacroart.com, NOT, repeat NOT by PM because my inbox fills up too quickly!

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