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The Sheffield Gay Scene


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Is anyone else as bored with the gay scene at the moment as I am ?


I wouldnt say I'm bored with it, but it certainly needs a little more variety


Granted there are a few nice friendly places but later on in the evening it seems to just revolve around drinking as much as possible and bopping away to very loud music from Lady Gaga and Kanye West till spilling out of the clubs at 4 or 6 am.


I'm rarely out about for these hours so ill take your word on it


Whatabout organising other initiatives for gay people to meet in a safe spalce - how about a gay coffee shop, gay bookclub, gay arts forum with gallery visits etc,


I like the ideas, not sure how they would get of the ground however, some people ought to get together and possibly look into some of these, i would be interested


gay bridge/cards night? gay dining group (how did that ever go I never went),


not a big cards player, didnt even know of the dining group when did that happen


gay walking in derbyshire, gay cinema or theatre visits, gay pride and arts events (well Tyranna has got that one in hand) ,


all catered for in one way or another to my knowledge.


and so on and so on I am sure there are other events that people can think of too and I suppose its up to us to organise them - I guess its starting to sound like those other straight social groups that are in operation but hey there seems to be no gay equivalent?


Heh, don't ask don't tell.


theres nothing to stop you/us going to these either, im all for a gay scene/culture but not to the point of us and them as i have seen happen before. (and i have known some of the falming queens to this attitude lately as well)

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Is anyone else as bored with the gay scene at the moment as I am ? Granted there are a few nice friendly places but later on in the evening it seems to just revolve around drinking as much as possible and bopping away to very loud music from Lady Gaga and Kanye West till spilling out of the clubs at 4 or 6 am. Whatabout organising other initiatives for gay people to meet in a safe spalce - how about a gay coffee shop, gay bookclub, gay arts forum with gallery visits etc, gay bridge/cards night? gay dining group (how did that ever go I never went), gay walking in derbyshire, gay cinema or theatre visits, gay pride and arts events (well Tyranna has got that one in hand) , and so on and son I am sure there are other events that people can think of too and I suppose its up to us to organise them - I guess its starting to sound like those other straight social groups that are in operation but hey there seems to be no gay equivalent?


I'll repost as it was removed with no explanation given


but are you taking the preverbial? why does it have to be "gay" for you to take part why can you not attend a normal bookclub, coffee shop, dining group, cards night, Derbyshire walks, cinema or theatre?


this kind of attitude is the reason that communities end up segregated

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did anyone on here go 2 onyx rooms last sun??? just wondered what it was like...was it busy...age range...and isit reccomended(as its quite a dear taxi fare 4 me) so thought i would check peoples opinion b4 i went




Just a quickie to remind you all that SWEET will be on again at Onyx Rooms TONIGHT, from 10.30 (Pre-Party at Studio beforehand). See you all there from about 11pm!


BTW, Moetchampers, it IS quite OK to tell people on the Gay Thread about your CD/TV dressing service; after all many of us Sheffield Trannies are regular visitors to the Gay Thread in particular.


BTW, I had a great time in Climax (and watched the Gary Clarke Dance performance earlier that night). I even gave a certain other drag queen who often visits Sheffield a friendly wave (he was out of drag at the time, sadly), and I was also very glad to find that Panda-Features and his mate were not there; all in all a very upbeat, enjoyable crowd...


Finally, mark THIS FRIDAY, 27th March in your diaries; I am doing a show at the Moorfoot Tavern, Start 9pm, Free admission; I'm setting up a seperate Event announcement for it...:D:thumbsup:

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Someone once said to me that the biggest problem that gay people face is themselves, why seek segregation when there is absolutely no reason to....Grrrrr!!!!!

Hmmm... sounds like what they were really saying is 'the biggest problem with gay people is that they are not the same as straight people'.


And I'm sorry that opinions that differ to your own make you angry.


You seem to be suffering from the 'vegetarians fallacy'. Many veretarians seem to think that meat eaters eat meat with every single meal. You seem to think that people who ask about gay venues/events want to attend gay events exclusively. Sometimes it's nice just to have a choice.

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Hmmm... sounds like what they were really saying is 'the biggest problem with gay people is that they are not the same as straight people'.


And I'm sorry that opinions that differ to your own make you angry.


You seem to be suffering from the 'vegetarians fallacy'. Many veretarians seem to think that meat eaters eat meat with every single meal. You seem to think that people who ask about gay venues/events want to attend gay events exclusively. Sometimes it's nice just to have a choice.


some people on this thread will only goto a "gay" event


and no certain groups of gay people insist on not being the same as straight people which baffles me

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