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The Sheffield Gay Scene


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I am not promoting exclusion for the Sheffield gay community .. although a gay minibus busisng gay people to clubs in Sheffield sounds a good idea so that they can travel in a "safe" environment :-)

But how do you tell difference between a gay minibus and a straight one.....and what about the bisexual ones ?


Thats discrimination, I should report you to the Royal Society for the liberation of bisexual minibuses :hihi:

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but how can he ever feel safe if he insists on living in a gay cocoon?


I understand the point regarding womens bookclubs but you have to accept his attitude is nothing short of shocking


Shocking, I don't know, surely there was a time when you were similar? I Don't know much about Carborundum but i know that when i was new to the scene about this time last year for a fair length of time my attitude was not to dissimilar.


I still keep a look out for "gay events" and do actually hunt them out at times, for me its all down to a number of factors, with one of them being if it is gay or not i will admit but its definately not the largest factor.


At the end of the day who is it up to us to judge if someone is right or wrong?

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I am not promoting exclusion for the Sheffield gay community .. although a gay minibus busisng gay people to clubs in Sheffield sounds a good idea so that they can travel in a "safe" environment :-)

Tell me do you walk aroung with an "I'm Gay" sign around your neck? If not, how do normal people know that you're a homosexual?

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In your dreams, perhaps?


I think you'll find all 'appointed' (official) new and secondhand car dealers Gay-friendly; some of the smaller secondhand private dealers might not be, or might take the p***, or charge you too much;

BTW, its a shame that 'Indigo' the car dealers near the Leadmill, went bust a couple of months ago, as they appeared to be run by the same people as who organise a monthly Ethnic Minority LGBT Group here in Sheffield, also called Indigo:D


BTW, to change the subject a bit, did you see in the news about the midnight raids on terror suspects in Manchester, that one of the potential targets was the BIRDCAGE Drag Cabaret club. This is really worrying, and I would be really interested if any of you Gay Thread members knows who is currently LGBT officer for SYP, so we can get more security advice, especially club managers...:cool:

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