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Yup, I'm fuming!!!


In spite of me categorically stating to the Star Reporter who interviewed me on the phone on Thursday, they have got it WRONG!!!


Not only have they not bothered to check the date of Climax (It was my fault that I thought Climax was on Friday 17th, but I asked them to check, as Climax is a 'movable' event), but IN SPITE of me categorically stating that I was NOT performing on stage at Climax, that I was only attending as a PAYING CUSTOMER and dressing up in drag, they said in the newspaper article that I was 'Performing' I will now be ringing the Star TONIGHT (They do not take calls over weekend except after 9pm Saturdays) to ask that they print a CORRECTION of the FACTS.


This is the second time that they have done it, the first was on a report on my Wuthering Heights, when they gave totally the wrong website address.


Re. like he did about FAB, Affinity and god knows where else


I did NOT ever say I 'worked' at 'FAB'.


I DID do what constitutes UNPAID WORK at Affinity (I got free NON-ALCOHOLIC drinks ONLY)


I CERTAINLY DID NOT, REPEAT NOT, claim that I worked ANYWHERE else that I did not; I have done many one-night cabarets at lots of venues up and down UK


Unlike certain other drag performers I have known over the years, I DO NOT LIE ON MY CV as to my experience, awards, or level of professionalism.


I have had to report you, Miss Damo, to the administrators, as a result of your LIE that I claimed that I worked at places you mention when you have got it wrong!:hihi:


Firstly don't call me "Miss" I'm a man as you very well know secondly you've implied before that you work at various venues only for people to prove you don't.


If anyone should be reported to mods its you for constantly advertising the night in Rotherham


get a grip you self obsessed delusional moron

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yes but what is Transgendered?


From Wikipedia:


Transgender (IPA: /trænzˈdʒɛndɚ/, from (Latin) derivatives [trans <L, combination form meaning across, beyond, through] and [gender <ME <MF gendre, genre <L gener- meaning kind or sort]) is a general term applied to a variety of individuals, behaviors, and groups involving tendencies that diverge from the normative gender role (woman or man) commonly, but not always, assigned at birth, as well as the role traditionally held by society.


Transgender is the state of one's "gender identity" (self-identification as woman, man, or neither) not matching one's "assigned sex" (identification by others as male or female based on physical/genetic sex). "Transgender" does not imply any specific form of sexual orientation; transgender people may identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, or asexual. The precise definition for transgender remains in flux, but includes:


"Of, relating to, or designating a person whose identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender roles, but combines or moves between these."[1]

"People who were assigned a sex, usually at birth and based on their genitals, but who feel that this is a false or incomplete description of themselves."[2]

"Non-identification with, or non-presentation as, the sex (and assumed gender) one was assigned at birth."[3]

A transgender individual may have characteristics that are normally associated with a particular gender, identify elsewhere on the traditional gender continuum, or exist outside of it as "other," "agender," "Genderqueer," or "third gender". Transgender people may also identify as bigender, or along several places on either the traditional transgender continuum, or the more encompassing continuums which have been developed in response to the significantly more detailed studies done in recent years.[4]

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Yup, I'm fuming!!!


In spite of me categorically stating to the Star Reporter who interviewed me on the phone on Thursday, they have got it WRONG!!!


Not only have they not bothered to check the date of Climax (It was my fault that I thought Climax was on Friday 17th, but I asked them to check, as Climax is a 'movable' event), but IN SPITE of me categorically stating that I was NOT performing on stage at Climax, that I was only attending as a PAYING CUSTOMER and dressing up in drag, they said in the newspaper article that I was 'Performing' I will now be ringing the Star TONIGHT (They do not take calls over weekend except after 9pm Saturdays) to ask that they print a CORRECTION of the FACTS.


This is the second time that they have done it, the first was on a report on my Wuthering Heights, when they gave totally the wrong website address.


Shock Horror, the papers printed a story based on the information they were given. Do you realise how busy these people are, they dont have time to go chasing after every little detail and make sure everything is just as you want it. They have other stories to report on as well as (and this is even more of a shock) LIVES OF THEIR OWN.


Re. like he did about FAB, Affinity and god knows where else


I did NOT ever say I 'worked' at 'FAB'.


I DID do what constitutes UNPAID WORK at Affinity (I got free NON-ALCOHOLIC drinks ONLY)


I CERTAINLY DID NOT, REPEAT NOT, claim that I worked ANYWHERE else that I did not; I have done many one-night cabarets at lots of venues up and down UK


Unlike certain other drag performers I have known over the years, I DO NOT LIE ON MY CV as to my experience, awards, or level of professionalism.


I have had to report you, Miss Damo, to the administrators, as a result of your LIE that I claimed that I worked at places you mention when you have got it wrong!:hihi:





I don't know about fab or anything like that since that was before my time here on the forum and on the scene, what i do know that the slots at affinity soon came to close and I am also informed that you are not allowed in the bar, definitely not on nights when the resident performer is working (and doing a bloody good job i might add) however it would seem you imply that you are still a regular at the bar (RE: signature) or at least that is the way I and others have interpreted it until I double checked.


also RE: Affinity unpaid work/ free drinks etc. Depending on who you talk to that could constitute paid work.


Finally regarding lying on CV's I'm sure I've said it before but maybe i was a little to cryptic. Get your facts straight slagging people off, do you know for a fact that these people lied? Do you have proof??


Anyway I think I have said enough. Time to get back on to the main thread and shift from someone's ego trip.


Karen I'm not sure if there really is anything apart from les femmes, all the bars tend to be friendly and without attitude to TG members of the community, Affinity certainly seems to be, or at least was when i did a poor attempt of drag for Rocky Horror night and i have never known anything to be said when there have been other TG's in the bar, some convincing others not so. The only place I would possibly advise against if your not in the mood for the odd jibe (playfull or not depends on the clientèle at the time) is Dempseys. But then again I haven't ever seen any in there before so I could be mistaken. I think the best way might just be to take a leap of faith and see what happens. easier said then done I know.

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I don't know about fab or anything like that since that was before my time here on the forum and on the scene, what i do know that the slots at affinity soon came to close and I am also informed that you are not allowed in the bar, definitely not on nights when the resident performer is working (and doing a bloody good job i might add) however it would seem you imply that you are still a regular at the bar (RE: signature) or at least that is the way I and others have interpreted it until I double checked.


Yes he banned when their resident performer is there.


Tyranna is on next Saturday`s "Britains got talent", that should be a laugh.

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Yes he banned when their resident performer is there.


Tyranna is on next Saturday`s "Britains got talent", that should be a laugh.


I cannot waitg to see Tyranna on BGT - I am one of her biggest fans and I do hope she gets through to the next stage - that will shut up all the nay sayers and knockers on here - bets of Carborundum luck to you Tia and I shall be watching ...

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