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Stagewalker, your comment has really GOT MY BACK UP!!!


I've reported you to the Administrators, and really hope we will not be seeing you anymore on this Forum, which will be a far sweeter-smelling place without you!!!:hihi:


BTW, the next GALA Gay Arts festival meeting is TOMORROW, Tuesday, at 7pm, at dempseys as per usual!:thumbsup:


Throughout this thread and others I was having to bite my tongue to stay inside guidelines of the forum but I can't do it much longer. I have been polite about it, I have been civil about it. Now im afraid I must be blunt.


The people who like your act are in the minority, to the rest of the people here you are nothing but a down right pain in the arse that has nothing better to do then parade round like you own the place while the majority of people are laughing behind your back, Now grow and get a back bone, stop throwing out the reports for the sake of it and stop promoting your bloody event as it is against the rules of the forum.


It is not against the rules to have an opinion, This is a forum, a place for discussion and opinions some good, some bad. You don't agree. Tough. :rant:

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Stagewalker, your comment has really GOT MY BACK UP!!!


I've reported you to the Administrators, and really hope we will not be seeing you anymore on this Forum, which will be a far sweeter-smelling place without you!!!:hihi:


You dont mind people saying nice things about you, but when someone voices their opinion of you and you dont like it, you spit your dummy out, Stagewaker is 100% correct about you and if the administrators have got any sense they will just simply ignore you.


You say you`re a performer (which is debatable) so accept the good points and the bad ones, you are going to have to, and this is because you have put yourself on the spot light by going on "Britains Got Talent" and if you think people are saying bad things now, wait until Saturday night, the "Britains Got Talent" thread is going to be lively.


What are you going to do, report everyone for having an opinion, just because you dont like it doenst mean it has to be deleted, get used to it.


Now go ahead and report me for having an opinion. :P:P

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Can i just ask if anyone here has seen this persons act?

Are you speaking about the act from experience of seeing it or hear say?

give tyranna a break will ya folks .....we all know how hard it is to break into the media and as much some might not like this act , there are some that do. Bear in mind this is a person youre talking about , and if there were as many offers of guidance and advice as there are negativity , then this act may end up bein to your liking ...



I have seen him many times preform, and my posts is MY opinion and no ones else, I dont go by "hear say".


If I appear "to be giving negativity" well I am sure someone can be positive because I am unable to.

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If Tryanna gets through to the next stage of Britain's got talent, then I'm Jennifer Lopez. She has the ability of a broken toaster and the personality and charisma of a Fray Bentos pie. The 'act' doesn't need a judge - it needs an exorcist.


I'm not alone in being sick and tired of all the blatant self promotion and backside kissing going on regarding this 'act' who apparently now doesn't 'act' at all - and is back pedalling far quicker than she could ever pedal on her bike.


Relating to topic, I too hear that Sanctuary is temporarily closing. Shame really. I quite liked it - and it was really nice to have a gay venue in (what I believed to be) a listed building. I hope it's not too long before it's back.


Well that is a most unkind thing to say about one of Sheffields most famous performers who at least had the B***s to go on Britains Got Talent - why is there so much back biting and bitching on this forum instead of supporting a talented local individual representing Sheffield in a national event - I for one think Tyranna is greta for having a go AND for trying to get other gay events off the ground in Sheffield such as Gala against all this negativity - people may have the right to free speech on here but that does not mean they have to conduct what is akin to a witch hunt - we are not in the 17th Century any more .... and any Witch Finder Generals should be banned from this Forum ...

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I have seen him many times preform, and my posts is MY opinion and no ones else, I dont go by "hear say".


If I appear "to be giving negativity" well I am sure someone can be positive because I am unable to.


You are entitled to your opinion Spider Pete as I am to mine - I do find Tyranna is a truly unique performer - one of a kind ...

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