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The Sheffield Gay Scene


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The most reliable information I have heard is that Sanctuary has sadly closed and wont reopen; shame because it was the kind of stylish Gay Bar Sheffield needed, and it had a good vibe.


Maybe some new LGBT landlord might take it over; but don't count on it; nothing at all has happened with the much heralded 'reopening' of NYLON by a certain Manchester outfit...:mad:

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The most reliable information I have heard is that Sanctuary has sadly closed and wont reopen; shame because it was the kind of stylish Gay Bar Sheffield needed, and it had a good vibe.


Maybe some new LGBT landlord might take it over; but don't count on it; nothing at all has happened with the much heralded 'reopening' of NYLON by a certain Manchester outfit...:mad:


I would be interested to know who the information is coming off, I was speaking to someone (i wont identify them) the other day who informed me that sanctuary is closed on a temporary basis until the lease is transferred to them.

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Me too, heard exactly the same and I can't think of anyone who could give a more accurate answer than the person who told me it's in the process of being transferred, this is taking a bit of time due to various factors which is out of their control, so they've taken the opportunity to grab a holiday.


Still, what do we know huh nomis? Other people must have far more reliable sources than us :hihi:


indeed, there must be higher sources then ours. Perhaps I could book an appointment with this oracle?:hihi:

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The plan is for it to re-open. It is only closed on a temporary basis. The next Rah Rah is on Friday the 5th of June.


Sanctuary will be coming back bigger and beter.


And with a professional Licensee


: )

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Well I for one am definitely miffed - After reading the May Exposed listings where it was showing as open last night (Friday) with a Ra Ra Ra extravaganza and fund raiser for South Yorkshire Pride on (£3.50 at the door) featuring the famous Ralph of Razor Stiletto DJ, I paraded along there in all my finery only to find the b***dy thing was shut solid and in darkness with one office light on upstairs ... I dont care what they do regarding lazing around, taking holidays or demolishing the place and rebuiding it but why send out misleading information and wasting the publics time - that would surely put me off going there if it ever does reopen - the club that cried wolf ??!!

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