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The Sheffield Gay Scene


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Well I for one am definitely miffed - After reading the May Exposed listings where it was showing as open last night (Friday) with a Ra Ra Ra extravaganza and fund raiser for South Yorkshire Pride on (£3.50 at the door) featuring the famous Ralph of Razor Stiletto DJ, I paraded along there in all my finery only to find the b***dy thing was shut solid and in darkness with one office light on upstairs ... I dont care what they do regarding lazing around, taking holidays or demolishing the place and rebuiding it but why send out misleading information and wasting the publics time - that would surely put me off going there if it ever does reopen - the club that cried wolf ??!!


Bit of a dramatic post dear....you could have just gone to another venue....Dempsey's perhaps seeing as you had gone to all the trouble of getting dressed up in all your finery :D

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I would be interested to know who the information is coming off, I was speaking to someone (i wont identify them) the other day who informed me that sanctuary is closed on a temporary basis until the lease is transferred to them.


I found it to be accurate when I looked it up on the net and it said - ceased trading so took it that it was closed.

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if you took note of facebook, spider petes website and word on the scene you would have found that it is only temporary, just another reminded that not everything on the internet is 100% accurate

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A big thanks for all the people that came to the Big Brother event at Lions Lair with Richard BB7 and Gerry BB8, it was a massive success with us seeing one of the busiest Saturdays since we reopened a year ago!


I will post a link to the pics from Sytography once they have been uploaded.


Thanks again

Lions Lair

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Just a little reminder, folks, that the next Steel City GALA (Gay And Lesbian Arts Festival) meeting is on tonight at 7pm at Dempseys. Several events are already in the pipeline, all will be revealed as things are confirmed.


Shame about the confusion re. websites and whats on in venues; for more info about whats happening, see: http://www.dannybreeze.com


Talking of Danny Breeze's website, I've just seen the following:


Thursday 28th May 2009

We Love to Hump @ Red Room. A new gay friendly night on the last Thursday of the month. 10pm until 3am. Tickets are £3 in advance and £4 on the door. Tickets are available from Lions Lair. Look out for special drinks promos and top DJs including John Dixon. Red Room is on Charter Row behind Debenhams.

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if you took note of facebook, spider petes website and word on the scene you would have found that it is only temporary, just another reminded that not everything on the internet is 100% accurate



Facebook is a good place for the latest stuff. ALl the gay venues are on there.


I am getting a few PM`s on Facebook to advertise their gay night via my FB group, which I am happy to do so. Spread the word as I say. :)

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