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The Sheffield Gay Scene


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Tyranna and me ... forever


A TRUE friend is someone who reaches for your hand....but touches your heart

A TRUE friend knows the song of your soul and will sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words - and Tyranna truly knows her songs and never forgets her words .. :-)


Pass me the bucket :gag::gag::gag:

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just a quick reminder that sheffields IDAHO event is tommorow, put a post in the sheffield discussion forum so will just link you over there for the info




Isnt it quite ironic that this day is being celebrated tomorrow all around the world and on here we have such homophobic comments coming from other so called enlightened forummers striking at gay peoples self esteems as talented performers and artists .. maybe Sheffield needs to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century ...


Certainly this would seem to be all wrong in that case:


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