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I know they arent the same person, but how they post on here they make people think they are.


No offence meant to anyone, but It really annoys me when people on here think me and Tyranna are the same person. Why cant people seem to realise that Tyranna is capable of having fans and people who like her and her act for what it is - incredibly unique and special and talented.


Am I the only one who seems to "get" Tyranna on here? She is an incredibly intelligent and shrewd individual and her talents extend well beyond just drag (which she does with aplomb and entertainment and a bit tongue in cheek) well into the realm of the arts. I think all of you not "getting" Tyranna says more about the shallow Sheffield gay community mentality than about her OR her admirers ;-)


And while I'm at it, putting a personal insult - "beyond *something*" - from a TV show aimed at Tyranna (who had incredible b***s to go on it) into Urban Dictionary could well be construed as personal slander and a defamation attack on her good name and I think Tia would have a good case for appointing a lawyer over this matter and seeking substantial compensation for damages to her reputation ....


Anywa BACK ON TOPIC about the SHEFFIELD GAY SCENE - has anybody been to Sanctuary whats it like, who is taking over Affinity, what was the Dempseys Eurovision party like, whats going on in Xes cage other than the (increasingly rough it seems) punters, whats the rumour about the Crown in Scotland street re-opening its back entrance and whats happening thats big and spectacular for this bank holiday weekend or has the Credit Crunch crunched everyone and it will be a bottle of lambrini and pork scratchings for me again in a dark dismal corner of Dempseys ... :-(

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And while I'm at it, putting a personal insult - "beyond *something*" - from a TV show aimed at Tyranna (who had incredible b***s to go on it) into Urban Dictionary could well be construed as personal slander and a defamation attack on her good name and I think Tia would have a good case for appointing a lawyer over this matter and seeking substantial compensation for damages to her reputation ....




I think the phrase you are struggling for is BEYOND RUBBISH....you don't have to hide or mask it....there is no swearing there......unlike the other word you have put that is clearly masked swearing.


For it to be slander and a defamation of her character I would have had to lie....but it's all there in the footage. And in the Urban Dictionary the drag artiste is not named nor is the location. Urban Dictionary wouldn't have entered something that could be slanderous.


So let's look at the evidence. There is a drag artiste on BGT.....she performs....one of the judges says the act is beyond rubbish....so far nothing is slanderous......I then submit it for entry in the Urban Dictionary (because the actual phrase was so funny) without added the artistes name or where they are from......how is that slander or defamation of character - there is nothing from the entry to link the phrase with the actual artiste because she is not named. And who exactly will you be recommending the drag artiste to seek substancial compensation from.....me or Amanda Holden.


If its me....then bring it on.....because I haven't got anything and 100% of the nothing I have is still nothing.


There is no case - and I find it extraordinary that you would even plant this seed into the head of the drag artiste concerned.....shame on you.


Edit: So where exactly in the Urban Dictionary is the entry for beyond rubbish....because somehow it seems to have disappeared.....I wonder how that happened :hihi:

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I must post to say I'm not happy with the current state of it. Went out last night for a few and found:


The Crown Inn was shut with a notice up "due to technical reasons" but lodgers could still enter by the rear passage


The Quarter was closed with a notice up saying "we are closed tonight and not likely to open" - and I understand that the owner had gone to Lions Lair!


Affinity was open but not really as busy as it could have been if the door staff had not decided to ban certain people from entering who had black hair and then it was inundated with ladies with "bees" on their heads whatever that was about


Lions Lair by the time I went to it had only a few in and they were largely the bar managers planning the upcoming custard fights


Dempeys I suppose could have been said to be busy but again they shoved everyone into a queue using that old psychology to make it "look" busy and members without their money could not get in causing me to pay for one of them ...


The new Green Bar off Trippet Lane does not even appear to be gay and the Roebuck Tavern was dead ...


Club Xes was largely dead when I went leading me to think I dont know why I wasted my money on taxi fares going there and back - and its a dodgy place too in a dodgy area and not safe ...


Now I know why a lot of people go to Leeds and Manchester at the weekends :-( maybe it will buck up when the students come back but dont count your breaths or maybe its just the credit crnch I dont know ...


having read the above it looks like "lifting" just may be going out of fashion ...bout time an'all :D

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Just watched the BGT clip of the 'drag' person on you tube. It's got to be a joke surely?

That was the most untalented 'act' I've ever seen.


I cannot believe that man in female clothes doesn't know how rubbish he is and the whole thing was just a joke.


And where DID he get that wig from? My five year old has one just like it, from Wilkinsons last Halloween.

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No offence meant to anyone, but It really annoys me when people on here think me and Tyranna are the same person. Why cant people seem to realise that Tyranna is capable of having fans and people who like her and her act for what it is - incredibly unique and special and talented.


Am I the only one who seems to "get" Tyranna on here? She is an incredibly intelligent and shrewd individual and her talents extend well beyond just drag (which she does with aplomb and entertainment and a bit tongue in cheek) well into the realm of the arts. I think all of you not "getting" Tyranna says more about the shallow Sheffield gay community mentality than about her OR her admirers ;-)


And while I'm at it, putting a personal insult - "beyond *something*" - from a TV show aimed at Tyranna (who had incredible b***s to go on it) into Urban Dictionary could well be construed as personal slander and a defamation attack on her good name and I think Tia would have a good case for appointing a lawyer over this matter and seeking substantial compensation for damages to her reputation ....


Anywa BACK ON TOPIC about the SHEFFIELD GAY SCENE - has anybody been to Sanctuary whats it like, who is taking over Affinity, what was the Dempseys Eurovision party like, whats going on in Xes cage other than the (increasingly rough it seems) punters, whats the rumour about the Crown in Scotland street re-opening its back entrance and whats happening thats big and spectacular for this bank holiday weekend or has the Credit Crunch crunched everyone and it will be a bottle of lambrini and pork scratchings for me again in a dark dismal corner of Dempseys ... :-(


No offence meant to anyone, but It really annoys me when people on here think me and Tyranna are the same person.


Having met one of you and seen pictures of the other, I can confirm that you are not one and the same.



Why cant people seem to realise that Tyranna is capable of having fans and people who like her and her act for what it is - incredibly unique and special and talented.


And why can’t you seem to realise that the majority of people just don’t like Tyranna. That's their right.



incredibly unique and talented.



Incredibly unique. I concur with this. Thankfully she is, indeed, incredibly unique.


Talented. Not if having your chicken fillets hanging out, make-up sponsored by B&Q and warbling like a magpie with laryngitis is classed these days as talent.


Am I the only one who seems to "get" Tyranna on here?

No. I think it would be unfair to say that you are. I’ve seen at least two other people on the forum that also think she’s talented and like what she does. Moetchampers being one of them.



She is an incredibly intelligent and shrewd individual

No-one doubts Tyranna’s intelligence. I believe she is educated to degree level. Can you please point out where people have questioned her levels of intelligence?



her talents extend well beyond just drag (which she does with aplomb and entertainment and a bit tongue in cheek) well into the realm of the arts. I think all of you not "getting" Tyranna says more about the shallow Sheffield gay community mentality than about her OR her admirers ;-)



Fabulous. Then maybe she ought to concentrate more on exploring these areas instead of forcing something down people’s throats that they clearly they don’t like.


And while I'm at it, putting a personal insult - "beyond *something*" - from a TV show aimed at Tyranna (who had incredible b***s to go on it) into Urban Dictionary could well be construed as personal slander and a defamation attack on her good name and I think Tia would have a good case for appointing a lawyer over this matter and seeking substantial compensation for damages to her reputation...


There would be no case at all. In order for ‘Tia’ to bring about a case for libel or slander against her reputation, ‘Tia’ would have to have a ‘good and reputable’ reputation to start with in order for it to be damaged. One only needs to read comments freely available on google that relate to how the ‘act’ is seen. Defacto, establishing that she has a good name could be somewhat difficult, given that no-one actually ‘employs’ her, many people on the circuit deride her ‘act’ and professional judges on a national TV show have branded her as untalented, and ‘beyond rubbish’ (their words not mine)



And while I'm at it, putting a personal insult - "beyond *something*" - from a TV show aimed at Tyranna (who had incredible b***s to go on it) into Urban Dictionary could well be construed as personal slander and a defamation attack on her good name and I think Tia would have a good case for appointing a lawyer over this matter and seeking substantial compensation for damages to her reputation


Julado was simply quoting the words that originated from another’s mouth. I’m led to believe that no-one was named in the reference.


Look, put simply, why can’t we all just move on from this. You’ve had your say; the people on the forum have had theirs. There’s no bad blood on anyone's part - and all I've done is simply offer my opinion which I'm perfectly entitled to do. Let’s get back to talking about what most of us see as the real Sheffield gay scene, the venues. I understand that Tyranna frequents them, and is seen by some to be part of the scene, but I’d hate for this debate to be taken over by the discussion of one individual. If you’d like Tyranna to be discussed, why not start a thread in the appropriate section of the forum? That way people could discuss to their heart’s content without fear of potentially going off-topic.


Personally I think enough’s enough now. Let’s get back to discussing the heart of Sheffield’s gay scene – the venues.

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And while I'm at it, putting a personal insult - "beyond *something*" - from a TV show aimed at Tyranna (who had incredible b***s to go on it) into Urban Dictionary could well be construed as personal slander and a defamation attack on her good name and I think Tia would have a good case for appointing a lawyer over this matter and seeking substantial compensation for damages to her reputation ....(



I think the phrase that you have forgotten and looking for is BEYOND RUBBISH. It is not a swear word so why blank it out by putting something?

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And while I'm at it, putting a personal insult - "beyond *something*" - from a TV show aimed at Tyranna (who had incredible b***s to go on it) into Urban Dictionary could well be construed as personal slander and a defamation attack on her good name and I think Tia would have a good case for appointing a lawyer over this matter and seeking substantial compensation for damages to her reputation ....


But she is "beyond rubbish" so how is that classed as slander.




but its always YOU that take it off track by mentioning Tyranna.


I think all of you not "getting" Tyranna says more about the shallow Sheffield gay community mentality than about her OR her admirers ;-)


Now thats slander on all of us, maybe we should get a lawyer onto you, you have to realise, not everyone likes Tyranna and we all realise some do (you and moetchampers). We dont "get" Tyranna because we feel she is "beyond rubbish".

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