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Did anyone go to the gay pride after party at the sheffied hallam union and if what was it like?


I was a guest drag queen there, from just before midnight after doing a round of some of the other bars; when I got there, it was just starting to get really underway, but by 1am it was absolutely heaving; some amazing totty both there and at LIONS LAIR where I ended up with a pal from 3 until 6am!


It's just an event that will get better and better each year IF people support it and don't slag it off at every opportunity. Constructive criticism is great, but down-right insults don't help make it a better event. If you think you have an idea to make it better next year, put a bit of work in and get something done about it yourselves!


I'd agree with that; Re. the Beer Tent; by the time I wanted to get my first drink there around 6pm (lol), I found that there were no beer tokens left, although there was still plenty of beer.


Surely if they were using those little plastic beer-tokens the whole idea about them is that once they are handed in in exchange for drinks & counted, they can be re-circulated for other customers, just like beer-glasses at pubs?


I didn't really mind about the Beer Tent issue too much; my only major concern about the whole event was re. the enormous queues for the toilets up to about 6pm -I already passed that on as feedback; in spite of that, Pride this year really represents a marvellous effort by all of us involved!



Finally, my belated CONGRATS to Paul and James who were the first EVER couple to get 'Married' at the Civil Partnerships Tent at around 5pm on the day; as the venue wasnt licenced for formal ceremonies, they will have to arrange one at a forthcoming date: I had the pleasure of acting as bridesmaid to the LOVELY couple!:love:+:love:

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I went. I thought it was really really fun. The turn out was fantastic, drinks were cheap and because all three rooms were open meant there was three types of music bein played. Cheese, Indie and Electro courtesy of Poptastic and Hang the DJ.


Thank you for that info


I was going to the after party but ended up at Dempseys need i say any more but made most of the night as you do.

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I went to the after party AND Dempseys! Ooops. I might put my services forward to help in the Beer Tent next year too. I almost offered this year. Still a good pint or 2 was had mind! And the queue did disperse rather quickly considering it's size. I think they did a good job with what they were given.

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so how many people on here were involved with putting this years pride together? I know one or two comittee members are on here but there must have been so many unsung heroes to put on such a great event I would like to thank all of you come on tell us who you are and what you did????????

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so how many people on here were involved with putting this years pride together? I know one or two comittee members are on here but there must have been so many unsung heroes to put on such a great event I would like to thank all of you come on tell us who you are and what you did????????


I turned up! :thumbsup:

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so how many people on here were involved with putting this years pride together? I know one or two comittee members are on here but there must have been so many unsung heroes to put on such a great event I would like to thank all of you come on tell us who you are and what you did????????


Nice of you to say so.


There's 7 of us in the committee and i must say, we are all absolutely shattered!

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Nice of you to say so.


There's 7 of us in the committee and i must say, we are all absolutely shattered!


I think you did a fantastic job.


I shall more than likely put myself down for some voluntary work next year :thumbsup:

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