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The Sheffield Gay Scene


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I'd agree with James on most he says, but I wouldn't imagine that most people save up just for Climax, when it isn't really all that expensive, well the drinks aren't. Dempsey's probably loses a lot of business to this, becuase they are rammed Friday and Saturday. But they still get enough in on both nights anyway.


I think Affinity will just dail in the long run, because they thought they would immediately take all of Dempsey's business, but clearly not.


Xes is ok and will still get on ok, because it gets a lot of late business! People like to go there after Dempsey's. Lions Lair is the worst place on the scene, but it must makes profit anyway, because it clearly doesn't take pride on it's appearance and only has about 3 staff.

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The real problem is that there aren't enough gays to go round!


If you fill one venue the others are dead. There is nothing to attract outside visitors to it.


On the whole i agree with everyhting the man says- but think this idea of there not being enough gays to go round is a popular misconception and don't agree at all.


Most of the gay people i know in sheffield do not go out on the scene at all, purely because none of the gay venues we have appeal to me/ our/ their tastes- in fact the venues we have are all fairly similar.


I suppose the reason is that they have to make their money by attracting customers, so go for what you could call the 'core' market. Imagine the difference if, within a 15 minute walk of each other, you had dempseys (focussing on being a showbar, trad gay venue), lions lair (being a small cosy trendy late nighter) xes (going for the slightly grimey hardcore gay style) affinity (maybe targeting the posh cafe/bar mentality), some other bar being an indie/emo/alternative style place. Everyone could do the crawl between venues, but basically settle in whichever one suited their style/ taste. As is is their all much of a muchness. So most of the large gay population stays at home.

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On the whole i agree with everyhting the man says- but think this idea of there not being enough gays to go round is a popular misconception and don't agree at all.



Maybe I didn't word it quite right, there are plenty of people but the straight scene caters for them better, as described in your individual bar styles.


If you go to Leadmill on a Monday it is 80p a drink and I would bet you could easily spot 20+ people that you may have recently seen at a gay venue, but cheap drinks good music choice and a busy venue means none of the gay venues can compete, I doubt all the venues put together could muster 50 in total on a Monday. At least Dempseys tries with Kareoke, quizes and games night etc to encourage midweek trade, the rest just seem to think it will magically appear!


Sanctuary seems also to have died a death, new owner followed by 3 months later another owner, shut for 2 weeks 2 guys re-open it and now more! Apparently it will be returning straight but then who really cares, it never had much of an impact anyhow. Affinity needs to pull some marketing tricks out the bag soon or it will be heading the same way, as Saturday Dempseys was very busy, as if nothing else had opened at all.


And it is vaguely amusing how some peoples allegiance can change so quickly when others stop paying your wages........


Has anyone heard when the next Pride meeting is?

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