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The Sheffield Gay Scene


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I think that weather your gay or straight should not matter, sometimes when you "pigeon hole" a venue to being one or the other can do more halm then good. Why should it be that straight people should be seperate from gay people, I have lots of friends who are both straight and gay and we all get on really well.


Take Lions Lair for example, its become a really top venue over the past 18 months or so and I believe that partly this is because everyone is welcome weather your staright or gay!!! :)

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From personal experience, sometimes is just nice to be in only gay company. and when places have a 'category' you know that most people in there are likely to be a certain preference so its easier to tell who is what lol, especially if youre single like me and have terrible gaydar. I find it easier to relax in such places because me and my friends can enjoy ourselves without being beaten up

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I think the only venue I would be worried about get beaten up at would be Lions Lair, I got hit a few months back just turning the corner. I can't stand the place to be fair. And I think the straight crowd that go there don't realise that it's a 'gay friendly' bar. It's fair to say you either love or hate the place, and I hate it, it's not my thing and I hate the music there. But I suppose other people that go there regulary must like it.


I am hoping that when Lions Lair does get knocked down, that they find another suitable place, but quite a distance from where they are now, hopefully!

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I think the only venue I would be worried about get beaten up at would be Lions Lair, I got hit a few months back just turning the corner. I can't stand the place to be fair. And I think the straight crowd that go there don't realise that it's a 'gay friendly' bar. It's fair to say you either love or hate the place, and I hate it, it's not my thing and I hate the music there. But I suppose other people that go there regulary must like it.


I am hoping that when Lions Lair does get knocked down, that they find another suitable place, but quite a distance from where they are now, hopefully!


You seem to have bad luck in and arround Lions Lair, lol.


I think we all get the impression you dont like the place so much.


I never have any trouble in there from either gay or straight people, and I have yet to be beaten up, must just be you.

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Blimey to say some people make comments about Dempseys playing the same song several times a night, some people just never change their own record do they.....Yawn!


I do understand and agree with the idea that sometimes some LGBT people will only feel comfortable in the company of other LGBT people, and I think it will always be important that there are venues that provide a safe and "exclusive" (as much as possible) LGBT crowd. I do even more so though, feel it's of greater importance to have venues where LGBT and straight people can mix, have a great time/drink/dance etc......One of the biggest problems that the LGBT community face is those who now segregate themselves when there is no longer any need to.


When I think about back-in-the-day of Gatecrasher's glory days, sexuality was never even really thought about, we all went because we loved the music and the experience that was Gatecrasher and it didn't matter what anyone was. I actually think we have now taken steps backwards, segregation between straights and LGBT is creeping back in and IMO it's a lot of LGBT people who are instigating it.


With regards to getting beaten up/caught up in trouble, I can't say I have ever been beaten up in nearly 15 years of going out in Sheffield (been caught with a few stray punches), but my attitude doesn't prompt people to want to give me a slap. I will say I've just as much trouble kick off in Dempseys as I have in most West/Division Street venues, the amount of times I've seen fights break out/ been caught by stray punches in there :s


With any venue, it's always about personal choice, YOU either like somewhere or you don't, so you decide if you wish to visit a venue or not. E.g. I personally don't like Club Xes, Dempseys, can't stand Players, hate Embrace!! However I didn't think right because I don't like these places, I have to make sure everyone knows that I don't like them and what I think is wrong with all these places, I must make sure everyone knows every little thing I think is wrong with them and I must make it my mission to make people think the same as me and deter them from going........WHY!? To what end? God if you carry on waffling like that, trying to get everyone to listen to how bad you think somewhere is, then you just become one of those annoying bores who bugs people with their thoughts and opinions in a desperate attempt to try and get you to agree with them.


Easiest thing to do is listen to no-one, as all you are getting is their own personal view, visit a venue, try it out and decide for yourself. :)

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With any venue, it's always about personal choice, YOU either like somewhere or you don't, so you decide if you wish to visit a venue or not. E.g. I personally don't like Club Xes, Dempseys, can't stand Players, hate Embrace!! However I didn't think, right, because I don't like these places, I have to make sure everyone knows that I don't like them and what I think is wrong with all these places, I must make sure everyone knows every little thing I think is wrong with them and I must make it my mission to make people think the same as me and deter them from going........WHY!? To what end? God if you carry on waffling like that, trying to get everyone to listen to how bad you think somewhere is, then you just become one of those annoying bores who bugs people with their thoughts and opinions in a desperate attempt to try and get you to agree with them.


Easiest thing to do is listen to no-one, as all you are getting is their own personal view, visit a venue, try it out and decide for yourself. :)


Freefall, that's one of the most sensible things that's been said on the entire thread.


People like what they like and that's it. Trouble is, there are some venue owners, managers and barstaff who appear hellbent on trying to boost their own venues by slating others and putting them down - which ultimately affects the equilibrium - and in reality, serves little more than make said people look bitter and professionally insecure.


How about these people chill out a bit, provide the very best service that they can - and then let the public do what they do best - decide with their feet?

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For me the only decent event was speed queen and lions lair is good for an afterparty. Does anyone know what has happened to speed queen and will it be returning or something similar? John Dixon I believe you worked there, any ideas?


I'm a resident at Speed Queen and have been told that Seed Queen has stopped running at the moment as they can't find venues both in Sheffield and Leeds that is right for the night. I will do my best to find out more very soon for their return to Sheffied.


If you love the style of music that Speed Queen plays then check out my own club night - ROBOFUNK http://www.robo-funk.com


Robofunk takes place at Lions Lair EVERY 2ND SATURDAY OF THE MONTH


The next event is This Saturday - here is the event link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=220460578399&ref=ts


We had a UV Bubble Party on NYE which was absolutely awesome...check out the pics here - http://robo-funk.djjohndixon.com/gallery/146

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I like having exclusively gay places mainly because im sick to death of straight people most of the time. until about 4 months ago id only met 4 gay people in my whole lifetime, everyone around me has always been straight and ive always felt left out of everything because i alays went to places with them that never had any gay people at all. i even started hating being gay because i was the only one and my needs were never met, now i have gay friends and i like being with my own people when i can. I know it seems a bit immature but ive spent about 10 years going out with my friends and every time hoping id meet someone, and it never happened. In short what i mean is that i do enough mixing with straight people, id rather not do it when i go out.

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I like having exclusively gay places mainly because im sick to death of straight people most of the time. until about 4 months ago id only met 4 gay people in my whole lifetime, everyone around me has always been straight and ive always felt left out of everything because i alays went to places with them that never had any gay people at all. i even started hating being gay because i was the only one and my needs were never met, now i have gay friends and i like being with my own people when i can. I know it seems a bit immature but ive spent about 10 years going out with my friends and every time hoping id meet someone, and it never happened. In short what i mean is that i do enough mixing with straight people, id rather not do it when i go out.


Come on, that’s no reason to have exclusively gay bars. You should have got out the closet allot sooner. Your situation was no ones faulty, but your own! ;)

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