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Gurkha veterans: should they stay? Updated following 2011 defence cuts

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they have earned the right to stay due to many years loyal service to the crown, and many battles helping britain out,just because some civil servant who probably has done sod all for this country sets a cut off date has made a blunder doesnt mean we the people should not support these worriors, vote against the government, let those that have defended us,helped us and put their lives on the line for us be allowed to reside here, i know who i would rather live next door to, some man who has all the moral fibre required or some illegal immigrant who has never contributed to britain,and as like as not,never will...

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I like the Gurkas and spent some time in their area of Nepal, where they are called Gurungs. The pension income they bring in used to be the second highest foreign income earner in Nepal after tourism and the Gurung area is relatively affluent in this impoverished country.


Since the troubles that Nepal has had in recent years I wouldn't be surprised if it is now the largest foreign currency earner for Nepal.


I think the Gurkas shouldn't be allowed to retire to the UK. They knew the deal when they signed up and they should return to their own country which they will continue to make a little bit more prosperous.

I have met many Gurkhas over the years, fine and noble men every last one of them.


If we were to consider the question 20 or 30 years ago, then I would agree with the line that they signed up for a very specific contract, and should stick to it


They are paid less than home-grown British soldiers and get a smaller pension, but when you transfer that pension back to them in Nepal they suddenly become VERY wealthy in their home country.

The Brigade of Gurkhas is manned by the finest people Nepal can provide, because the competition for places in the regiments is severe, based on both the honour of securing a place and the financial reward for the individual and his family. It was always a good deal for the Gurkhas.


Today though, things have changed. While I do not see the Gurkhas' contract to have changed, I could not condone a single one of these fine people being refused entry or right to remain in the UK whilever we open our doors to the masses of human filth that come here for so-called asylum.

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they have earned the right to stay due to many years loyal service to the crown, and many battles helping britain out,just because some civil servant who probably has done sod all for this country sets a cut off date has made a blunder doesnt mean we the people should not support these worriors, vote against the government, let those that have defended us,helped us and put their lives on the line for us be allowed to reside here, i know who i would rather live next door to, some man who has all the moral fibre required or some illegal immigrant who has never contributed to britain,and as like as not,never will...


Very well said I totally agree, they have been loyal to crown and country. and deserve our respect. Not like pillocks like Abu Hamza who leeches off the benefit system claiming thousands every year for his offspring and moans about his civil rights :mad:

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I wonder how many would actually choose to live in the UK when they can go back to their beautiful homeland where their income makes them rich?


I know which I would choose, a big house with a view of Machapuchare


agreed but if they want to stay they should no questions asked

theyve paid there dues more than a lot of us who are born here and hell of a lot more than most who are allowed to stay

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ive ready both sets of arguements now.

those saying they should be allowed to stay and those saying no they should be sent home to make their own country richer.

but i say they should be able to choose whether they stay or go home

They have earned that choice, and their numbers are small, but they should not be treated the same as the many, many others who are granted leave to stay and deserve only a one-way cattle class ticket back to the toilet they came from.
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