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Gurkha veterans: should they stay? Updated following 2011 defence cuts

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I sometimes think we forget that our Government is judged abroad by its honour, and the Gurkhas are owed a debt of honour by the nation of Britain. The current government can play legal games and weasel out, but it is still a betrayal. Ah well! back to being perfidious Albion! (not West Bromwich!)

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I sometimes think we forget that our Government is judged abroad by its honour, and the Gurkhas are owed a debt of honour by the nation of Britain. The current government can play legal games and weasel out, but it is still a betrayal. Ah well! back to being perfidious Albion! (not West Bromwich!)


Yep, any one with half a brain knew that the government was wrong on this issue.

A case in point that the judge made reference to yesterday in the high court.


After the Falkands war the 2,000 or so Islanders were granted automatic British citizenship, and yet the Gurkhas that actually fought to give the Falklanders that right were denied it themselves.:suspect:


Don't forget to sign the Joanna Lumley petition folks, they won the high court case but they still need the government to change the law in order for the high court ruling to have any effect.



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  • 1 month later...

Please remember that depite the recent High court judgement and the passing of the bill in the House of Lords, government has NOT yet changed the law concerning the Ghurkas.


Here's an update from Joanna Lumley:


I have some great news about the Gurkha Justice campaign that I want to update you on.


Firstly, we now have over 120,000 online signatures with over 20,000 returned in the post. If you haven't done so already, please spread the word to all your online contacts and ask them to sign up online too at http://www.gurkhajustice.org.uk


Second, there have been some exciting steps forward in the House of Commons.


Earlier this week the Home Affairs Committee of the House of Commons considered the right of Gurkhas to settle in the UK. The committee considered evidence from a range of different people, including our lawyers, a submission from me, and representatives from a number of Gurkha organisations.


I'm so pleased to be able to tell you that they agreed with us entirely, and have sent a letter to the Home Secretary urging her to take "urgent action to redress the currently unfair situation by extending settlement rights in the UK to all Gurkhas". You can read the full text of the letter at http://tinyurl.com/5ou59q


This is a big step forward, with an influential cross-Party committee of MPs backing our cause. This is on top of the High Court's ruling in late September that the Government's action was "unlawful and unfair".


But just unbelievably, the Government has still not changed the law, and has still not yet agreed to offer a fair deal for Gurkhas.


In this week in particular, when we have seen the tragic death of a Gurkha serving in the British Army in Afghanistan, and four soldiers from the Royal Gurkha Rifles awarded the Military Cross, we need to redouble our efforts to make the Government see sense.


Please do whatever you can to ask as many people as you can to sign the petition at http://www.gurkhajustice.org.uk - I want to take a simply huge petition to Downing Street on the 20th November.


And I'd like you to join me in Parliament Square, Westminster, at 11am on Thursday 20th November, before we hand in the petition. I want to stand together with you and our Gurkha heroes and show just how strong the support for the Gurkhas cause is. Will you join me? I hope to see you there.


Finally, especially for those who can join me on the 20th of November, you can buy Gurkha Justice t-shirts, sweatshirts, bags and more from our online shop with Spreadshirt at http://gurkhajustice.spreadshirt.net. Wear yours with pride - I certainly do - and for the next few days only (until this Sunday), Spreadshirt are offering free postage on all items to show their support for the campaign. Simply use the coupon code GURKHAFREE when ordering, and the postage for your items should be free.


With warmest good wishes,





PS. On Sunday, millions of us across the Country will be honouring those who fought and died for us on Remembrance Sunday.


One hundred thousand Gurkhas fought in the First World War. They served in the battlefields of France in the Loos, Givenchy, Neuve Chapelle and Ypres; in Mesopotamia, Persia, Suez Canal and Palestine against Turkish advance, Gallipoli and Salonika. One detachment served with Lawrence of Arabia. 250,000 Nepalese Gurkhas served in the Second World War.


It's time to repay our debt of honour to them. http://www.gurkhajustice.org.uk

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what amazes me is why the people in power have to be pleaded with to do the right thing


It's probably something to do with not looking weak and not caving in to public pressure, although with this campaign, Joanna Lumley, the High Court ruling, it almost looks inevitable that the government will give in.


However the pressure must still be applied, hense if anyone hasn't signed the petition yet, what are you waiting for!



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  • 2 years later...

I never signed the petition because I realised that it would be the beginning of the end for the Gurkhas in the British Army. Once they won equality with British soldiers it was obvious that the unit would end up being disbanded as they became more expensive to the country than British soldiers.


And in today's defence cuts we see the start of that process -


Around 140 of the Nepalese soldiers are to be told they face the sack, almost one in six of all the soldiers being dismissed to save money.


Almost 2,000 soldiers and RAF personnel will find out that they are being made redundant as a result of the controversial Strategic Defence and Review.


In all, the Army will sack 920 soldiers today. Around 660 departures will be voluntary, but 260 soldiers face compulsory dismissal. More than half of those will be Gurkhas, risking allegations that the 3,500-strong Brigade of Gurkhas is being disproportionately affected.


Defence officials said the cuts were necessary following changes to the Gurkhas’ terms of service in 2008, which gave them similar terms as the rest of the Army.



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