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Getting Off *NEW*


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I’ve written a brand new book

I was hoping you might take a look

You could click on the link

and see what you think -

considering the hours it took.


You’ll notice how carefully I’m

promoting my writing in rhyme

which should be much better

than say sending a letter

or conveying the announcement in mime.


Or hiring a man with a bell -

a Town Crier - to help the thing sell

or hawking my wares

at small village fairs

with a poor hired orphan named Nell


They’d stop and take pity you see

as she expired at my feet of TB.

‘If you’d purchase my novel

we could leave our vile hovel’

(then I’d slip her ten quid as a fee)


So please, humble reader, dig deep

The book will remain yours to keep

Recommend (but not lend)

this book to your friends

and I’ll cling to your ankles and weep.



Getting Off: http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=773603

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