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How To Get Inspiration


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So, I'm having trouble writing comedy, and I'm still suffering writers block when it comes to poetry.


My trouble is, I only generally like to write about deep, depressing or evil things. I don't want to write nice poems about flowers or sunny days usually, but nothing's making me want to write about dark subjects.


Can anyone come up with some ideas for me with regards to "nice" subjects that I might want to write about?

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Try to write something dark about a subject that is normally thought of as nice? Like that William Blake one about the rose and the maggit?


Found it...


The Sick Rose


O Rose, thou art sick!

The invisible worm

That flies in the night,

In the howling storm,


Has found out thy bed

Of crimson joy:

And his dark secret love

Does thy life destroy.


What I mean is that there's inspiration to be found in how to write, not just what to write about.


Edit - I don't mean how as in.. er... how... I mean, in looking at different ways of approaching it. Oh. I dunno. Good luck though.

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Try to write something dark about a subject that is normally thought of as nice? Like that William Blake one about the rose and the maggit?


Found it...


The Sick Rose


O Rose, thou art sick!

The invisible worm

That flies in the night,

In the howling storm,


Has found out thy bed

Of crimson joy:

And his dark secret love

Does thy life destroy.


What I mean is that there's inspiration to be found in how to write, not just what to write about.


Edit - I don't mean how as in.. er... how... I mean, in looking at different ways of approaching it. Oh. I dunno. Good luck though.


Hehehe, cheers! :)

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Just a bit of fun you can add to it .


It’s a dogs life.




Hello mate what you doing here, under the weather”?



No ,it’s er indoors, said I had to come or else. It’s a bit of a delicate subject


Oh ,what is it then bunged up bum or got the trots .


No it’s a bit more……


Ah the fishing tackle, not working right


It works fine as it appens, trouble is the pond I was trying fish in was bloody closed ,

I hold the record for having the most bitches in a day, they don’t call me iron mike for nothing down at the yard. When I’m in full throttle mate my crow bar usually cracks open the tightest of…



Yeah ok I get the picture so yer tackles ok; so what’s the problem then .


Last week they brought in a new girl, Fife Bonbon Broadaxe, she was well in season

and I got the job of doing the business not that I’m complaining she was well fit.




Well everything was going all right you know a little bit chasing , a few practice jumps on her back she kept lifting her tail I was well up for it… ready to do the job all the signs were there, it was a hot day so I went to my bowl for a quick drink before we tied the knot and when I turn’s round she’d stuck a no entry sign on her arse I mean I couldn’t believe it.the whole thing left me mentally scared for life, my reputations in tatters that’s why I’m here I’ve got a blockage in me brain


Ang on Not fife Bonbon better know as frigid Freda , she’s been round the block a few times only the shutters are always down ,She never goes all the way she’s a ringer .

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