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Hole In The Road (Including an ode)

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When the hole was first thought of it caused such a stir


A hole in the road ? Why ? How much and where ?


The council debate raged to and fro for o’er three year,


Many thought the idea was daft, a bit queer.


But, at last it were decided - an ole we shall ‘ave


The Council knows best said t’Mayor, and agreed to the scheme


Madness said some, and so it did seem.




And so in due course, it came to pass, after two further year


The largest bloody hole in the road in the whole of South Yorkshire.


Nobody liked the hole. No decent shops in it, no lavs, no character or sole.


What did thee expect said t’ Mayor – its only a hole.




And now, ee you would never guess


They’ve dug up the hole and moved it to a new address!


Where is it now ? –Nobody knows and nobody cares,


What a terrible, terrible state of affairs.


If they had only left it there where it was – now just think on………


they could have dumped the new Town hall in it – that’s another thing that’s gone.


Steve Gos

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stephstellar wrote:

I know what happened to the hole in the road - they cut it up into smaller holes and distributed them all over the City's roads...


I like that one.....I wonder which road got the fish tank, the toilets and Tommy the tramp ???

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  • 3 months later...

It would have been filled in around 1991/1992 for the supertram work.It was the demolished Kelvin flats that were used to fill in the hole, hope the fish got out first!

According to the front page of the Sheffield Star at the time an italian style piazzo (square) for the supertram stop would be built in its place. WHAT WENT WRONG!!!

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it's so famous! Rang up for insurance the other day, got put through to a call centre in Glasgow, and when the guy knew I was from Sheffield he asked about the hole in the road? He'd only ever visited the city once, when he was about 5 but he remembered it!


If it was here today, we'd probably be too scared to go in it! But still has good memories for me as a kid. Seeing the fish almost topped being the first to press the bell on the bus when your mum brought you into town!!!

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Not that long ago, I was asked by a visitor to Sheffield for directions to the Bankers Draft. I pointed the guy in the right direction, and he said he'd got lost because his friend, who he was meeting, had told him to look for the Hole in the Road.


Of course, today, there are many holes in Sheffield's roads - most of them testimony to our council's lack of investment.

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