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Hole In The Road (Including an ode)

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I know what happened to the hole in the road - they cut it up into smaller holes and distributed them all over the City's roads...


hahahahaha! That made me chuckle lol. That explains the hole i fell into a few months ago then crossing the road!! Hurt my knee that did.

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I loved the Hole in the Road. Getting off the bus at the old Bridge Street bus station, we would walk in at the Castle House entrance, past a little window with Wednesday and United gloves, sweatbands, rosettes etc for sale, and then down the ramp to the fish tank.

Surely they could have kept it, spent millions repaving it, giving it new lighting, get more shops in, could have looked really good. And, they could have got those council workers in who now are at Sheaf Square, the Winer Garden, and Millennium Square, who help visitors and generally keep an eye on the place and report any trouble.

They would have worked a treat in the Hole in the Road.

Supertram could have gone over a Hole in the Road bridge.


The Hole in the Road was sold down the river.

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Anyone remember when they put the Piranha's in the fish tank? It must have been around the early seventies. They were only there for a few weeks (I think), but my god, you should have seen the teeth. They would have seen to the idiots that annoyed folk in the last years it's life.


It's a darn shame that it's gone.


There used to be piranha in the tank but I think I recall reading in The Star that the bloke who looked after the fish had to remove them 'cos they were eating all the other fish. (D'oh! how come no one saw that coming?)Apparently he cooked them for his Christmas dinner. The reason for the hole was so that you could get your bearings as you could see the tops of the buildings outside. You know you're getting old when you see them tearing down stuff that you remember them building.

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Talk about childhood memories!

Apologies if repeating some memories here, haven't read through the thread.

I mainly remember the Thorntons mishapes shop at the bottom of the cranky escliator, of course this fish tanks and the under-ground entrances to shops like Boots (thinking about it, that must have been a seperate underground bit as too far up???) and C&A. Also, wasn't there a newsagents and a little shoe repair shop?

My Grandad used to tell me that if you put your ear to the wall in the middle of the hole and someone whispered right at the other side you could hear them! I couldn't ever hear them though!

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Betty, yes, Boots had their own underpass, which had a basement entrance, (And , originally also had underground window displays like the ones in the HITR) up by the cathedral. there was a basement level entrance to the Gas Board shop, as well, which now houses the HSBC bank

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Betty, yes, Boots had their own underpass, which had a basement entrance, (And , originally also had underground window displays like the ones in the HITR) up by the cathedral. there was a basement level entrance to the Gas Board shop, as well, which now houses the HSBC bank


Thanks. I can't believe how much town has changed when I think back! Makes me feel soooooo old!

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Out of this whole thread the thing which is freeking me out is a woman having to give birth with her jaw wired!! She must have been In bloody agony!!!!!!


Well, that baby will be grown up, in her mid 20's, now. Probably even with a family of her own? It was 24 or so years ago that my friend had that accident.


When I posted about that incident, (feb 04) the child would've been coming up to her 19th/ 20th birthday.


It was a bit of a "squicky" event, her fall, and her injuries... :gag: horrible. I remember visiting her in hospital just after the birth, and she looked like she had gone fifteen rounds with Mike Tyson, the poor thing!


However, the little girl she gave birth to suffered no lasting harm, thank goodness.

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