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Hole In The Road (Including an ode)

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Betty, yes, Boots had their own underpass, which had a basement entrance...
Yep - the tunnel went under Fargate (which they belatedly made into a pedestrian precinct - so no need for a tunnel) and Church Street. It was another example of our local council's liking for digging tunnels and opening them with great fanfare, then letting them degenerate into crime-ridden wino habitats and filling them in again (cf. Hole in the Road etc). I suppose it's the mirror-image of the council's other passion for building huge blocks of flats, letting them degenerate and then knocking them down again....:(
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All I can remember is Tandys, Space men on the roof, Walking up the ramp to the A.B.C. cinema. Once they had a couple of black street artists doing slow motion and someone selling wierd pictures that you had to look at real careful to see the picture. There was always someone trying to sell crimbo wrapping paper. Around the fish tank area it stank of p**s.

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Waggin’ It


“It’s Thursday - It’s Double Physics – An’ I’m Waggin’ It!”


Leap off a 53, into t’Rag Market, drink a cuppa tea stood up.


Cadge a woodbine off the toy seller


Stroll to Fitzalan Square, Pond Street Nora shouts at me.


Giggle, dodge into Wigfalls, droolin’ over a Ferguson Stereo,


5 quid down, ten bob-a-week


Up to Cockaynes, look at teapots – Nice!


Cross to Walsh’s 3rd floor café for a toasted teacake,


Lookin’ down on JCBs diggin a colossal hole? Why?


Snake down Chapel Walk into Canns,


Listening to Marvin in a perspex booth – Sweet!


Hop on a bus, up Fargate, down to T’Moor.


Past Ray Allan’s Closin’ Down Sale (Now in it’s 4th year)


Skip off wi’out payin and wander into Redgates.


Wow! A giant Meccano Helicopter – Great!


Play one-man Subbuteo – today I’m Brazil


Step out, blinkin in the sunlight, peek at my watch


Ouch – Only five past ten!


Could be a long day….Cole Brothers next?


Surreal, this was me, are you sure that you're not me? This is daft, I know that I am me, so who are you?


Get's coat and buggers off. ;)

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Sorry if this has been mentioned before but the Hole in the Road posts are very extensive and it is impractical to read the lot.


I read this extract from a facebook post about the 'hole' and wondered whether it is factual and if so which pub was involved. Any ideas?


" my hubby's father worked on this when it was made , and it was actually a pub underneath , so when all the digging out work was done , there was loads of beer barrels , all turned to vinegar, but the spirits were still perfect"

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Sorry if this has been mentioned before but the Hole in the Road posts are very extensive and it is impractical to read the lot.


I read this extract from a facebook post about the 'hole' and wondered whether it is factual and if so which pub was involved. Any ideas?


" my hubby's father worked on this when it was made , and it was actually a pub underneath , so when all the digging out work was done , there was loads of beer barrels , all turned to vinegar, but the spirits were still perfect"


why would there be a pub in the middle of the road? :suspect:



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