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New Fathers 4 Justice reveal their true bigotry

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The point IS....


Fathers for justice should concentrate on their OWN issue and not interfere elsewhere.


Yes, the CSA can be an absolute joke (except jokes are funny)

Yes, society jumps to assumptions about fathers as being intentionally absent

Yes, sometimes the man is wrongly seen as the party at fault....


Fathers for justice should have NO other agenda.


Unfortunately, as some have suspected for a while, this is not the case. Which sadly discredits their initial campaign.

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I'll give you that. And since, in the vast majority of animal species, the fathers is not involved in the raising of children, I think you've blown your own argument to dust.



I'd like to see your proof on that. Which species have you found where the child does not have both male and female input as opposed to lesbian/gay? There are many instances where children are raised by the mother - but there is still involvement from the father. And in some species the father is the one left holding the babies while the mother does a runner, but I am referring particularly to lesbian and gay animal upbringings - so I shall wait for your huge reference list on this.


I think my argument stands pretty fine except for in your own mind where everything has to fit into the lovely niches you have sorted for them.


Natural = Father, Mother, Child



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Then why are they attacking lesbian's rights rather than fighting for rights for fathers?


Because why should lesbians have rights that fathers do not? Ignoring the fact that lesbians do have these rights simply pushes fathers further into the dark ages as far as the law is concerned.


This isn't a zero sum game, lesbian's having the right to IVF treatment in no way takes any rights whatsoever from fathers.


It does take away the rights of the child to be born into a normal relationship.


It's the most natural thing in the world, men have been 'left out of the child's upbringing' dues to abandoning them, never having known the mother was pregnant, death... for as long as there have been people.


What a load of rubbish. All the things you mention do happen - and more often than not the mother finds another living father figure for the child, or brings the child up alone but with the memory of the father. That is perhaps the worst argument I have seen so far.


What complete rubbish there are huge numbers of species where only females care for the offspring, there are species where only males care for the offspring and there are enormous numbers of species where neither the male nor the female provides any care whatsoever and have no relationship at all with their offspring.


So - show me the figures of comparrison please? I'm sure this lack of male involvement in the natural world should be inspiring.


You can find glitches to batter anyone around the head when you disagree with them and what they claim. That does not make the world a better place for everyone. Fathers rights are important and Fathers4Justice are all men have left to try to bring changes to the law that will give a father the same rights as the mother and remove the stigma that being raised by a mother is the best thing for a child regardless of all else.



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Shame that there are so many irresponsible moronic people for whom your rule does not apply really.


I'd like to see what you mean by that? Just because I have read it several times already and still cannot work out what you are trying to say. Could be because it's nearly my bedtime.



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In your opinion this is blatantly stupid. We do not all share your godlike opinion. It is not natural for children to be raised by lesbians or gays. It is natural for children to have a mother and a father involved in the raising of those children. That a mother automatically gets more rights to a child when a relationship breaks down is wrong. That the mother may decide she is a lesbian does not make this right.


For two women to want rights to have and raise a child is wrong in my opinion. Some people will disagree and good for them. The fact is that these lesbian couples can break up just like normal relationships, and then what happens? A battle between two women for legal rights to the child? That should be interesting - though not for the child.


Liberal views as held by some on this forum, perpetually voiced by them in response to every non-conformist view, are really annoying.




When i was younger homosexuality was illegal. So what used to happen was a gay man would marry a lesbian woman and their partners would marry. Children would be born and brought up. I can only imagine how much unhappiness the adults suffered living the lie they were living. How would this impact on the children growing up in this bizzare situation? For that is what it is. To me a family is formed of people who care for each other. Children will develop and be happy as long as those around them are happy.


Any break up is bad for a child regardles of whether they are brought up with same sex or opposite sex parents. It would make no difference.


Fathers for justice was formed to fight for a fairer deal for fathers when it came to access rights to their children. They should stick to that.

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