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National Black Police Association


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I am mentally aware

Are you O/K




I'm fine.


Mentally aware is different from mentally healthy, though, and a very charitable interpretation of your posts suggests that you have no interest in listening to what other people have to offer.


Not great for a discussion forum, wouldn't you say?

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I just wish at some point that the police would form an ' Anti-Criminal, -Thug,-Killer Organisation '.....maybe, their slogan could be , ' We Want To Stamp Out Crime '. Now that WOULD be a novelty !


Considering the vast amounts of money we have spent on new technology and the police in general, in the last 30 years, the clear-up rate is pathetic. I know for various other reasons that the police are fighting with one hand tied behind their back.......but setting up lots of different power groups within the police tends to sap their energy even further.


It's rather like the teachers' unions. They have been less effective over the years due to being split into 4 or 5 different unions.


I utterly sympathise with the police, whatever their colour or background ; it must be an horrendous, rather thankless and dangerous job these days. They are pulled this way and that by stupid, pointless targets, an increasingly selfish general public and the nit-picking within their own force, I suspect, triggered by their seniors looking for knighthoods or nice little quango careers, after they retire.


If we gave the police more independence and stopped piling more pressure on them, maybe they could get on with the job they're paid to do------making our streets safe and banging away vicious criminals for a long, long time.

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I just wish at some point that the police would form an ' Anti-Criminal, -Thug,-Killer Organisation '.....maybe, their slogan could be , ' We Want To Stamp Out Crime '. Now that WOULD be a novelty !


Considering the vast amounts of money we have spent on new technology and the police in general, in the last 30 years, the clear-up rate is pathetic. I know for various other reasons that the police are fighting with one hand tied behind their back.......but setting up lots of different power groups within the police tends to sap their energy even further.


It's rather like the teachers' unions. They have been less effective over the years due to being split into 4 or 5 different unions.


I utterly sympathise with the police, whatever their colour or background ; it must be an horrendous, rather thankless and dangerous job these days. They are pulled this way and that by stupid, pointless targets, an increasingly selfish general public and the nit-picking within their own force, I suspect, triggered by their seniors looking for knighthoods or nice little quango careers, after they retire.


If we gave the police more independence and stopped piling more pressure on them, maybe they could get on with the job they're paid to do------making our streets safe and banging away vicious criminals for a long, long time.

fareast im afraid youve prolly wasted 5 minutes of your life typing all that, as our "friend" mosh doesnt seem interested in actually debating the subject, i doubt he even reads the replies tbh

just wants to chant the same few sentences over and over like some demented chimpanzee

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like all racist/gender/sexist/disabled/ policy. it causes more problems than it solves. when will they ever learn?


only from people who refuse to accept it should be used.

tell me why making buildings with adequate disabled access is bad? theres not normally that many problems associated with it.


same with sex equality.

is it wrong that women should be able to do the same jobs......and get paid the same too? should they inded have the right to vote?


should black people just put up or shut up with idiots calling them ****** at work?


like everything in this world, even in things that are right, theres problems, theres also people that will use anything for their own ends.........doesnt mean we shouldnt have them

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