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Looking for old photos of glossop road shops

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I remember making deliveries to Mr Hopkinson some 45 years ago:o


A very pleasant chap with a fancy moustache? But.......... the reason that I have posted, is the photograph (or lack of) aspect. In these days where we take more pics than ever, but print few, for goodness sake save them....anywhere!! What may seem the most innocuous photo today, can be in years to come, ruddy priceless.





That's your man - it's the moustache I remember too!! You're right about photos though, you never know what they may contain for the future!!


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 11:20 ----------


I think it's unlikely that you'll get a reply Nigel. As you can see, the post is 9 years old and she hasn't posted on the forum since. Perhaps the moderators may be able to help if they have an email address on record.


Thank you Jim!

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Wow, thanks for that. Amazing! Please give them best wishes from Dorothy Hall and Nigel. Tell them that Dad John passed away 3 years ago. Mum now lives with me in Sheffield having moved from Bridlington. I remember their lovely shop very well; popping in for a sliced loaf or whatever for Mum. Is there any way we could exchange photo's, old and new?


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 07:57 ----------


boyfriday, maybe you can message me with either your email address or Pat and Ron's?


Nigel, could your Mum be an ex teacher?


---------- Post added 07-11-2014 at 18:22 ----------


I remember making deliveries to Mr Hopkinson some 45 years ago:o


A very pleasant chap with a fancy moustache? But.......... the reason that I have posted, is the photograph (or lack of) aspect. In these days where we take more pics than ever, but print few, for goodness sake save them....anywhere!! What may seem the most innocuous photo today, can be in years to come, ruddy priceless.





He's always reminded me of a funnier version of Ronnie Barker, he'd love this thread!

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I went to the same Sunday school as David, I think that Amanda went too. I changed my religion at ten years old from St. Marks on Ashgate Road to Wesley on Fulwood Road because of the pretty girls attending. Rex Thompson ran the Sunday School and also a youth club. I won a Bible for good attendance!! My word those girls were pretty.

The Hopkinson's extended their shop into the jeweller's next door, this property is now a steak bar - El Vaca. I remember Mr. Hopkinson's moustache and his E-type Jaguar which he used as a delivery 'van'!

After living over the shop for many years I believe they bought a farm down Manchester Road towards Rivelin.

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I went to the same Sunday school as David, I think that Amanda went too. I changed my religion at ten years old from St. Marks on Ashgate Road to Wesley on Fulwood Road because of the pretty girls attending. Rex Thompson ran the Sunday School and also a youth club. I won a Bible for good attendance!! My word those girls were pretty.

The Hopkinson's extended their shop into the jeweller's next door, this property is now a steak bar - El Vaca. I remember Mr. Hopkinson's moustache and his E-type Jaguar which he used as a delivery 'van'!

After living over the shop for many years I believe they bought a farm down Manchester Road towards Rivelin.


Just out of interest, was this the same Rex Thompson that was Telephone Manager for Sheffield Telephone Area, 1967 to 1983? I seem to remember that he was a keen Methodist.

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Just out of interest, was this the same Rex Thompson that was Telephone Manager for Sheffield Telephone Area, 1967 to 1983? I seem to remember that he was a keen Methodist.


Yes. He died last year aged 97.

Until a few years ago regularly to be seen zooming along on his scooter.

He was a very highly regarded electrical engineer.

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  • 2 months later...
That's your man - it's the moustache I remember too!! You're right about photos though, you never know what they may contain for the future!!


Sadly Ron passed away in France at the weekend. Have great memories of this lovely man.

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Hello everyone, I can't believe I have had some replies from a post from so long. I have been very touched by everyone's comments about my dear father who died very suddenly at his home in France last week. To Ironmonger...it is so lovely that you remember my brother David. I never had the privilege of knowing him as I was born a year after he died but I think you may remember my sisters who both attended Sunday school. We did indeed buy a farm over at Storrs where my parents lived until retiring to France in 1989. To Nigel....I will pass on your comments to my mum who I am sure will remember you and your family. We had a small funeral in France last week but in the coming weeks intend to bring home my dad's ashes to be buried with David and will have a service here in Sheffield, possibly at St Marks so family and friends can remember him. To handypandy ....I would love to know what you used to deliver to the shop. My dad kept his fancy moustache until about 3 years ago and I think that's the way most people remember him. He was a lovely man boyfriday and if you are who I think you are I know you'll have many, many happy memories of him.

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