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Bramber Street/Brunswick Road


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about when was that, you may well have gone out with Ken as well


We were both still at school (not the same one) but was good friends from our ealy teens in the fortys right up to me going in the army in 1954, had some great times back then. I remember another Cliffe who we knocked about with but Ken is new to me?.

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My Dad Cliff Oxley was born in 1911 and Ken Oxley His father Sid and mother Elsie lived in the left hand house at the top of the entry on Brunswick Road at the bottom of Lopham Street


Have you got your dads berth date right? he was the same age as me & I was born in 1936.

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Hi warday

as above i have a brother born in 1938 he was called Cliff


Thats sounds better it would be your brother, im going to assume your Cliffe's younger sister.And did you mean Nottingham st not lophem st, hope im not comfuseing you.

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Going back to Billy Wainwright,can you remember the bike he had with no breaks on.He often went flying down Spital hill using his foot on the front wheel as a brake.He also had a brother who was a roller, I think.He always talked to us kids.The last I saw of him was in the 70s when he was living in the City road area and he still had a dog on a string.

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