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Are you a blood donor - or not?? Reasons why...

Do you give Blood - if not, why not??  

257 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you give Blood - if not, why not??

    • Yes, I am a Blood Donor
    • Used to give blood - now I don't want to (no particular reason!!)
    • Tried to - Iron levels too low
    • Tried to - Bad Experience!!! (Bruising/Fainting etc)
    • Don't like needles!!
    • Don't like Blood!!
    • "High Risk" Lifestyle
    • Medical History
    • Location of session
    • Timing of session
    • Thought about it but not tried to
    • Not though about it
    • Don't think I can (but not checked!!)
    • Foreign travel
    • Tattoos/Piercings in last 12 months
    • Don't know where to find info
    • Other!!!

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They don't ask the question on the regular donor checklist but they may do on the first donor list, I'm not sure. Been a long time since I was a first time donor....


Personally if it's just a glass I cannot see it being a problem at all but they may think differently.

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Was transfused myself,so have probably got CJD and they wont let me give it back :(


That's me too. Was a regular donor, but following a transfusion I can't donate now.


Mrs Surfin had to have 13 units of blood in one go once. That was a scary time.


If you do give blood, thanks, and keep up the good work.



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This may be a silly question, but I'm intending to give blood tomorrow morning for the 1st time - Is it OK to have a glass of wine with dinner tonight?


Yes, that should be fine!!!! It'll be out of your system by tomorrow!!! As long as you don't drink alcohol before you give blood (though there would be some very happy patients!!!!) A few years ago, I was checking the session slips, before processing the blood, and came across one which stated "Not Bled: Drank four pints at lunchtime. Forgot he was due to give blood"!!!!! :hihi: :hihi:



Good for you..... Hope you find it ok, let us know how you get on....!!

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I would give blood but have to confess that I am just a coward. I once went with an ex whilst he gave blood and I nearly passed out just watching them pricking the finger to test the blood. I had to walk out to get some fresh air!!


I'm just a full blown wimp!

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Quote: Originally posted by 04jessops



Originally Posted by CarolW

"High Risk" lifestyle is what the Blood Services consider as high risk - Men having Sex with Men


Why? :huh:


This is the full sentence from that quote.......





"High Risk" lifestyle is what the Blood Services consider as high risk - Men having Sex with Men, using intravenous drugs, prostitution...



The transfusion guidelines are reviewed regularly, using the state of current technology, medical advice, epidemiological study and currently the advice is that those mentioned above should self exclude and not give blood, because of an increased risk of passing on infections such as HIV, Hepatitis B & C and other viral infections.


Because there is a time lapse between infection and being able to detect any infection in the tests, those who are considered to be at most risk are asked to self-exclude.....


At the moment, the USA, Canada, the UK and several European countries all ask these groups not to donate. Other countries have a deferral period - one I know of defers for 10 years for MSM, effectively excluding them from donating. Others have different testing regimes because of the high percentage of HIV positive citizens.


I know it's not a perfect system, people don't like being excluded, but our blood supply is one of the safest..... :)

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