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Are you a blood donor - or not?? Reasons why...

Do you give Blood - if not, why not??  

257 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you give Blood - if not, why not??

    • Yes, I am a Blood Donor
    • Used to give blood - now I don't want to (no particular reason!!)
    • Tried to - Iron levels too low
    • Tried to - Bad Experience!!! (Bruising/Fainting etc)
    • Don't like needles!!
    • Don't like Blood!!
    • "High Risk" Lifestyle
    • Medical History
    • Location of session
    • Timing of session
    • Thought about it but not tried to
    • Not though about it
    • Don't think I can (but not checked!!)
    • Foreign travel
    • Tattoos/Piercings in last 12 months
    • Don't know where to find info
    • Other!!!

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I used to on a regular basis. My iron levels were always quite dangerously close to the limit. I always failed the first test and then scraped my way through the second. Then they increased the limit and I haven't been able to pass since. I used to try eating more steak, spinach etc before going but it was no use. It really annoyed me... One day I could go for a 5 mile run and the next I wasn't fit enough to give blood. I know that they're just being careful though. In the end I removed myself from the mailing list to help them save on their costs of sending me gumpf every months.


My husband has only given it once and then wimped out from doing it again. I've nagged him but.... it's no use.


Does anyone agree that it should be compulsory unless you opt out?

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I have seriously considered it but cannot stand the sight of blood my partner had a nosebleed a couple weeks back and I nearly fainted as I nearly puked as a teen whilst during chopping veg my mum cut her hand instead so much as I would love to donate blood am too cowardly:gag:

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I used to on a regular basis. My iron levels were always quite dangerously close to the limit. I always failed the first test and then scraped my way through the second. Then they increased the limit and I haven't been able to pass since. I used to try eating more steak, spinach etc before going but it was no use. It really annoyed me... One day I could go for a 5 mile run and the next I wasn't fit enough to give blood. I know that they're just being careful though. In the end I removed myself from the mailing list to help them save on their costs of sending me gumpf every months.


My husband has only given it once and then wimped out from doing it again. I've nagged him but.... it's no use.


Does anyone agree that it should be compulsory unless you opt out?


That's me!!! I gave platelets regularly for a long time - I was heading towards my 100th donation - and then they upped the limits so I couldn't donate any more!!! It was quite gutting!!!! I didn't remove myself though, they removed me!!!


I'm not sure about compulsory donation - there's so many factors and restrictions on who can and who can't donate, it'd be a bit of a minefield for the screening staff to navigate and would take away the "voluntary" aspect of it....

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Did give blood for 25 years but have been told that as I lived in a malarial region, had an undiagnosed tropical disease and passed through a country rife with Yellow Fever they didn't want my blood.


Still, it's good enough for me so I'll keep it.

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  • 3 months later...

I donated for the first time a couple of weeks ago. As much as anything it was out of curiosity to see what blood group I am. A+ as it happens. I always knew my blood was superior...


I'm quite squeamish but found the whole procedure no problem, hardly any pain or discomfort and no bruising or other side effects afterwards, despite having very shy veins. I'll definitely be donating regularly from now on. If you've been thinking about it I'd say go for it.


Oh, the biscuit selection was quite good too!

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