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Are you a blood donor - or not?? Reasons why...

Do you give Blood - if not, why not??  

257 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you give Blood - if not, why not??

    • Yes, I am a Blood Donor
    • Used to give blood - now I don't want to (no particular reason!!)
    • Tried to - Iron levels too low
    • Tried to - Bad Experience!!! (Bruising/Fainting etc)
    • Don't like needles!!
    • Don't like Blood!!
    • "High Risk" Lifestyle
    • Medical History
    • Location of session
    • Timing of session
    • Thought about it but not tried to
    • Not though about it
    • Don't think I can (but not checked!!)
    • Foreign travel
    • Tattoos/Piercings in last 12 months
    • Don't know where to find info
    • Other!!!

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It's great to see people are still voting in this poll.....


It's said that only about 5% of the population donate blood..

So far over 25% of Sheffield Forummers donate, which is fantastic!!!!!! :clap::banana::clap::banana: Does that mean that people who use Internet Forums are more community spirited???!!!!!! :hihi: :hihi:


Thanks to every one who's replied!!!! Keep the comments coming!!!! :) :)


Emmie, are any of your lab people going to BBTS in Manchester in a couple of weeks???

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  • 5 years later...

I donate blood and I have done this for some time. I don't know if any of you have seen the latest news however recent reports show a 40% drop in donors over the last decade which is worrying in the long term as should this continue there is a significant risk of shortages in the future.


I can appreciate that it is awkward to find the time to give blood however if you have considered doing so I urge you to find a few hours on a day off work or something. I haven't been reliant on a blood transfusion thankfully however I do know of people who were unfortunate to have required blood in the past and without it they might not be with us today.


Who can donate and how?


- Healthy 17- to 65-year-olds weighing at least 50kg (7st 12Ib) can donate

- Men can donate four times a year, women three

- About 470ml (just under a pint) is taken

- With an appointment, it should take no more than an hour

- A delay may be required after foreign travel, a tattoo or acupuncture


Visit http://www.blood.co.uk to register as a donor, to book your pre donation health screening and to find your nearest drop in session. If you are unsure as to whether you are eligible to give blood the site also has a great deal of information to help you.


As a regular donor I can honestly say that it is pretty pain much pain free and I have had no effects afterwards, in fact quite the opposite as knowing that I have done some good by donating blood is a really rewarding feeling. Plus as a little rewards you get a nice cuppa and a bikkie usually after you have donated.


I don't work for the blood service, I'm just a donor who urges others to do the same. It is so simple and a chance to save the lives of others!

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I have given blood on a regular basis, for years, then they brought in a booking system. I turned up a few times, have you booked, no, too busy and I went home.

If they cannot organise a system to take my blood, then they obviously dont want it.

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I have given blood on a regular basis, for years, then they brought in a booking system. I turned up a few times, have you booked, no, too busy and I went home.

If they cannot organise a system to take my blood, then they obviously dont want it.


But they have, they've introduced a booking system.




Don't you use it?

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But they have, they've introduced a booking system.


Don't you use it?


I prefer to just turn up, look at the many appointments missed at the doctors, I prefer not to book.


It wasnt a problem before.

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I'm absolutely terrified of needles, but I grit my teeth and do my duty to donate blood.


Hubby donated for years until he got diabetis.


I became a blood donor to get over my fear of needles.

Up until a few years ago I was a gold card member but gave it up when the sessions became appointments.

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Just a little self centred, don't you think?


Not really. It's the main reason I stopped for a long time - I know I can get to the local donor centre, I don't know when. If they then say there is a hour and a half wait then it's not going to happen is it.


Before I'd walk in and wait maybe 15 minutes at most, donate and go.

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Not really. It's the main reason I stopped for a long time - I know I can get to the local donor centre, I don't know when. If they then say there is a hour and a half wait then it's not going to happen is it.


Before I'd walk in and wait maybe 15 minutes at most, donate and go.


How about they're now able to deal with more donors by leveling the demand throughout the day?


The reason you're having to wait is because everyone else has taken the time to plan their visit.

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