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Are you a blood donor - or not?? Reasons why...

Do you give Blood - if not, why not??  

257 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you give Blood - if not, why not??

    • Yes, I am a Blood Donor
    • Used to give blood - now I don't want to (no particular reason!!)
    • Tried to - Iron levels too low
    • Tried to - Bad Experience!!! (Bruising/Fainting etc)
    • Don't like needles!!
    • Don't like Blood!!
    • "High Risk" Lifestyle
    • Medical History
    • Location of session
    • Timing of session
    • Thought about it but not tried to
    • Not though about it
    • Don't think I can (but not checked!!)
    • Foreign travel
    • Tattoos/Piercings in last 12 months
    • Don't know where to find info
    • Other!!!

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Not really. It's the main reason I stopped for a long time - I know I can get to the local donor centre, I don't know when. If they then say there is a hour and a half wait then it's not going to happen is it.


Before I'd walk in and wait maybe 15 minutes at most, donate and go.


I still go to our local one but I agree that it was a lot easier before appointments...when I knew I had half an hour spare I could just go but now I have to make that half hour spare..

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Just a little self centred, don't you think?


No, I give my blood for free, but they need to want it.


---------- Post added 05-06-2015 at 11:29 ----------


How about they're now able to deal with more donors by leveling the demand throughout the day?



If that is the case, then they no longer need my blood, but it seems they are struggleing for blood, so maybe its made things worse.

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No, I give my blood for free, but they need to want it.


---------- Post added 05-06-2015 at 11:29 ----------



If that is the case, then they no longer need my blood, but it seems they are struggleing for blood, so maybe its made things worse.


Then how about biting the bullet and booking an appointment?

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How about they're now able to deal with more donors by leveling the demand throughout the day?


The reason you're having to wait is because everyone else has taken the time to plan their visit.


How about you understand back then I was unable to plan my visit - not everyone leads neat lives and can commit to a specific appointment time. Calling someone self centred when they already were giving blood and then could not is somewhat insulting.


Since then I donate every two weeks - before you get on your high horse about how I should make an effort. When you do that as well come back and discuss whos being self centred.

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How about you understand back then I was unable to plan my visit - not everyone leads neat lives and can commit to a specific appointment time. Calling someone self centred when they already were giving blood and then could not is somewhat insulting.


Since then I donate every two weeks - before you get on your high horse about how I should make an effort. When you do that as well come back and discuss whos being self centred.




A) The 'self-centred' reference was referring to another poster who suggested that a system be put in place to suit their particular preference on donating.


B) Suggesting that you had to wait because other people had booked an appointment is not the same as saying you don't make an effort

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"Just a little self centred, don't you think? "


Was directed at someone who had exactly the same issue as me. It therefore applied to me just as much.


How often are you donating? Every 2 weeks? If not what are you doing about it - I'm sure you could find the time.

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It's nice to see this topic resurrected after about 5 years...!!! :) :) :thumbsup:


We still don't have a screening test for vCJD - which was the prediction back in 2009....


Has anyone changed their minds about being a blood donor?? Or not being a blood donor??!!!!!


Is any one able to give blood now when they couldn't before - the guidelines are forever changing, so it may be worth calling to find out... I can now give blood/platelets again after sorting my iron levels out and I'm over 200 donations now!!! Woo Hoo!!!!! :clap:


We have introduced an appointment system in our region as well.. .I can see the sense of it when a session is held on business premises - managers don't want to be understaffed at crucial times in the day or to have people away from the desk for too long.


But somewhere like Tesco's car park??!!!! I don't see the advantage then!!!! Maybe you could call the centre and see if they have any time slots available and perhaps aim for those times???


If they get a lot of comments, they may change some sessions to drop-in - but they don't know, if you don't tell 'em!!!!!

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I started a couple of years ago and have done 13 donations. No idea why I didn't start earlier (I'm 50 this month) but it was seeing an ex-colleague on Facebook posting about his donations that made me do it. I think it should be marketed as more of a civic duty while recognising all the reasons why people can't/won't donate.


As for appointments vs not, at most sessions I go to they cater for walk-ups though I do book.

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