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Are you a blood donor - or not?? Reasons why...

Do you give Blood - if not, why not??  

257 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you give Blood - if not, why not??

    • Yes, I am a Blood Donor
    • Used to give blood - now I don't want to (no particular reason!!)
    • Tried to - Iron levels too low
    • Tried to - Bad Experience!!! (Bruising/Fainting etc)
    • Don't like needles!!
    • Don't like Blood!!
    • "High Risk" Lifestyle
    • Medical History
    • Location of session
    • Timing of session
    • Thought about it but not tried to
    • Not though about it
    • Don't think I can (but not checked!!)
    • Foreign travel
    • Tattoos/Piercings in last 12 months
    • Don't know where to find info
    • Other!!!

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No. I ought to be as I don't have a common blood type, but I'm also prone to being anaemic and I'm scared of needles! I even faint having blood tests, plus I have deep veins - I pulled the catheter out of my hand accidentally in Jessop (it was quite cool, actually, there was this fountain of blood all over me, baby and the ward, like in the Kill Bill tea house massacre ;)) and it took them hours to find anyone capable of coaxing out another vein.


Probably not really a good idea for you to try and donate then!!!!! :hihi: :hihi:


Thanks for all the replies and comments - keep 'em coming please!! :) :)

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I don't donate but could (as far as I am aware).


I put "don't like needles" but that's not exactly it. I don't like cannulas. I couldn't have one shoved into my veins if I was conscious and aware of it. If I could donate blood without having to do that, I would. And probably should as I have a rare blood group. I can have an injection or blood test without problems, but some needles I just couldn't have. I didn't have painkillers during labour for the same reason (and other reasons). The thought of an epidural made me feel physically ill.


If I was ever unfortunate enough to wake up in hospital attached to a drip, I would go crazy and try and tear it out. *shudders* I hope never to require a transfusion either (although, presumably if I'd lost that much blood I wouldn't be aware of it while it was happening?)

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A couple of weeks ago, I went to a lecture about Motivating Blood Donors.


I'm a long-time donor, but, to add to your information, I thought I'd mention an annoyance.


The last few times I've been, I've just had one of the white fibre plasters put on after the resting time. When I've stood up to go for my cuppa, my arm's started bleeding again. Since the first time this happened, I've asked for a bandage over the pad (keeping a little pressure on) and every time I've been refused (because, apparently, the rules say the nurses can't do it), and every time the same thing has happened.


For approximately my first 60 donations this practice was fine - how come it's not now? And how come the donors and the nurses seem to have no discretion over such things, even when they've both been through the same experience a couple of months before?


If it's a rainy day when I'm supposed to be donating, this kind of bureaucracy really does contribute to the 'can't be bothered' factor.

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I wonder - if you were a 'perfect' donor, and went EVERY time you could, from the minimum age...


The first sticker in my little card folder (yes, I've still got it!) is from the day after my 18th birthday :)




I've missed a fair few since then though.

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The first sticker in my little card folder (yes, I've still got it!) is from the day after my 18th birthday :)


ha ha, the blue one? I think I still have mine in the attic! Wasn't it signed by I've forgotten her name... that woman who presented Points of View?

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