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Which is worse in terms of idiot door staff, Plug or DQ?


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Well the title says it all really, these clubs are potentially good venue's, that have always been ruined for me and many of my friends by the idiot's who are supposed to protect the paying customer's and give the place a safe atmosphere. But which one is worse? :)

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Hardly been to DQ so can't comment..i think Plugs doorstaff are one of the best in Sheffield from my experiences...Seem fine aslong as you aren't causing trouble or aiming to wreck the club..Whereas the Leadmill & embrace doorstaff or the worse i have come across on a night out in Sheffield.

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I don't know about the door staff, but one of the coat attendants at DQ riled me a while ago. I went to collect my coat as I was leaving, but he was outside smoking a fag or talking to the bouncers. I stood there for a few minutes, no sign. The cloakroom is literally just a coatrack, and I could see my coat hanging, so I went to grab it. Of course, at this exact moment he reappeared. Fair enough it may have looked a bit dodgy, but even after I explained the situation and showed my stub, I received a stream of abuse suggesting a hanger would be inserted in an uncomfortable place should I step into his domain again.

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