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Have niche owners bought Roxys?


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Originally posted by jake

I think the Police cut Niche a bit of slack because its out of the way a bit - but I dont think a place in the city centre would keep its license for for too long if it had the amount of bother Niche has had over the years.


But as Andy say - considering the amount of cash thats being spent doing up the "gateway" to Sheffield - it amazing Roxy's is being allowed to stay up & not getting demolished.


(They must have being doing serious amounts of drugs in the 70s to even think that monstrosity was a suitable buidling for the city centre...)


what were they on when designing the popular music place near the howard then:o

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Originally posted by kirky

what were they on when designing the popular music place near the howard then:o


Although i admit - the architechts were probbaly on some mad stuff - - I quite like the NCPM - at least its different - unlike most of the boring all-look-the-same buildings everywhere. Better to get a love/hate reaction than just a not-notice reaction!

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Originally posted by jake

Although i admit - the architechts were probbaly on some mad stuff - - I quite like the NCPM - at least its different - unlike most of the boring all-look-the-same buildings everywhere. Better to get a love/hate reaction than just a not-notice reaction!



But nobody did notice, that's why it closed :)

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I suppose you COULD argue it was a breath-taking bit of late 1960's iconic design that was ahead of its time?..........then again......perhaps a weak argument to some. It was certainly a very modern building back in 1969 or thereabouts when it was built, and made everything else took totally grotty beside it. Sadly the reverse is now true.....

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It is an eye sore..


I really dont know what good that will do to Sheffield.


As for it appearance they could always put that modern looking pannelling on the side so it doesnt look so 70s. I mean... White tiles... ewwww


Apart from that I say pull it down...

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