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The "Majority Rules" gay thread


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("Majority Rules" being:)

- no 'personality'/self-serving self-promotion (U-kno-?)

- everyone's view is valid (not just a small clique of 1 or 2 posters)


Fine. Ban me if you like, but I'm getting sick of the self-serving mutual hug-fest between certain other posters about the current Sheffield gay scene. Especially when they don't represent most of the people Out and about every night. :nono:


Is it too much for ask for a sensible thread that's simply about going Out and having a good time?

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I used to go out on the Sheffield Gay scene around 10 years ago and loved it, we mainly went to Norfolk Arms aka Club Xs and The Planet, not sure what it is called now.

My favourite place had to be Cavaliers but I think that changed into a gay sauna.

Only been to Dempseys once and looked a bit dingy, but nice people there.

Cossack was great until it got taken over (I used to work there too, maybe some people know who I am now), pound a pint night and Karaoke, great :thumbsup:

Came home to Sheff a few months ago and found out that the Planet (new name??) was reopening on the night I'd arranged to go out with friends, perfect timing, it was great and bumped into loads of old faces, we even managed to sneak in (sorry if anyone one on here owns it, we were very drunk and cheeky, wont happen again:D), the back doors were open, so we ran in and opened a door that led onto the dancefloor, the lads did pay to get in though


I would love to hear about the places to go to now in a more positive tone, surely it must have gotten better and not worse?:confused:

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Good idea, Elphaba, in setting up a 'no bitching' majority rules gay thread. Not all gays are hairdressers, trolley-dollies, or skinny young twentysomethings with hair that looks like they have spent several hours in the company of a Van De Graaf Generator!

Some of us actually hold down very down-to-earth jobs, like bus-drivers, warehouse workers, postmen, self-made businesses, etc.


Welcome to the REAL WORLD, Gays!:hihi:


BTW, SL 31, sorry to say if you don't already know, but the re-opened Planet, (renamed FAB) closed after only a few months, and it is now a joinery company showroom. Nearby, however, the old Barcelona/Beluga has reopened as Identity, which is a very stylish, friendly LGBT club, with themed nights...

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How come it closed? not enough business?


That was exactly the reason; it had to compete with all the other gay venues in the town centre, as well as the ever-popular Club Xes on Carlisle Street.

If I was starting up a club in Attercliffe, I would wait until more of those vacant derelict sites were redeveloped as apartment schemes and other housing, as surely will be the case in a few years, once the city centre has no more spare space left, and people get tired of ever-higher apartment blocks and ever higher property prices!:hihi:

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Let's face it, Attercliffe 'worked' in the early 90s simply because there were several venues, within walking/staggering distance, and all operated alongside each other - perhaps understanding that most people like to vary their surroundings throughout the night rather than stay in one place (aka the 'village' concept).


When I heard that someone was reopening Planet last year, I had my doubts. Who's going to make the journey out there for one destination with the risk that it's dead and they then need to get a cab (if they can - it's not exactly on a main taxi throroughfare) to somewhere else?


Regardless of residential property trends, apart from isolated single gay pubs, the city centre will always be the more likely area for multiple bars to operate profitably simply for the transport links, the theatres and hotels. In fact, I think the main loss to the city is probably the Cossack - not that I was always a fan of the place, but after 'considerable research':rolleyes: over the last ten years, I can pretty much always find a gay bar in any city simply because it's usually close to the train station!


(oh and yes - the point and how to miss it:cool:)

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I have only a short experience of the Sheffield Gayscene and have quickly realised that it does not really exist. I have learnt that for years the Gay community has moaned that there is no where decent to go and that they are constantly being ripped off by the current club owners,when a new one comes along offering great surroundings you don't give it the support it needs to survive. The excuse being that it is not in the city centre.In reality it is a 5 minute Taxi ride and no more than £5 in a minicab to the Cliffe.

Although not gay myself I became friends with the three people whose dream it was to open the Venue when I was the main contractor Refurbing the building. I was sold by their passion for giving their community a great venue with a friendly atmosphere, a venue that is sorely missing in Sheffield. For years they have had to travel to Manchester for a decent club scene and have therefore lost sight of what has changed in Sheffield.

While frequenting the bar I have spoken to many people and have come to realise that the Gays in sheffield are just a bunch of whingers who say all we have is Dumpseys (their views not mine ,as I have never set foot in the place), well done as your lack of support looks likely to have seen another venue disappear. There is still a slight chance that it will survive if you can be arsed to get out of your usual dreary routine and give it a try this weekend. I really believe that Scott Roger and Nick deserve to succeed as they have put their Heart ,sole and life savings into a dream that is very quickly becoming a nightmare. . Just be warned if this business fails,others who are thinking of ploughing money into the Gay scene may well be put off, thus leaving you with the same dreary scene that you whinge so loudly about. Good luck in your journeys acoss the Penines and up the M1. Spiderpete shame on you for not coming down.

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