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Where to go to meet nice normal people


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Everyone thinks they are normal!


So unless you can be more specifc about what you want - everone will just tell you about places they go to.


BTW Cashback13 is correct - I've see the Shef Uni promo film full of scenes of Sheffielders in straw hats and teddy bears punting down the Don and having picnics in the peace gardens with no mention of the thousands of good honest salt of the earth folk who work in the steel mills or down t'pit...

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chip. on. shoulder ! she don't mention anything about class or race or money at anypoint!! get a grip! :rant:


She didn't have to! But it's the assumption that people are only nice and normal if they are like her! Which is wrong! Normal is whatever you have been used to not what one person thinks!

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Straight advice Tina. PM Cashback to check where he hangs out... then go somewhere else.


Incidentally, a bunch white, (possibly privileged), middle class looking people just walked past my front window... so Cashback is wrong.


I Did Say "If" Funny how she hasn't replied to explain what actually she meant! "Nice" and "Normal" are far too vague to response to!

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Straight advice Tina. PM Cashback to check where he hangs out... then go somewhere else.


Incidentally, a bunch white, (possibly privileged), middle class looking people just walked past my front window... so Cashback is wrong.


P.S Didn't her Parents tell her not to talk to Strangers? :hihi:!

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Too right where did CashBack13 get all that lot from.


From what she was Implying! I dont have any chip on my shoulder at all! Just don't always agree with certain comments people make just like everyone on the forum!


Since the person left the blanks to be filled in by others thought I might have a guess what they meant to say without actually saying it!

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From what she was Implying! I dont have any chip on my shoulder at all! Just don't always agree with certain comments people make just like everyone on the forum!


Since the person left the blanks to be filled in by others thought I might have a guess what they meant to say without actually saying it!


there's a lot I could imply from what you've said owd lad, but I won't ;)

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