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Help me with my spotty face!

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Thinking about it, my OH asked me today what the pale marks wereon our brown bath towels! I thought it was from when I'd got fake tan on them! I bet it's the BP cream! I'd have thought the doc would have warned me about that! Thankfully the bedding we've got on at the mo is white so no bleaching there!


EdnaK I have been using neutrogena, I've been using there 2 in 1 facial wash and mask, I might try the lotions and see if they're less drying. I might then have to invest in clinique or clarins I'm just begrudging it at the mo as over the last few weeks i've spent loads on different lotions and potions none of which are working!!!!! AAAGGHH!


Eek :o- yeah that sounds like BP cream.


Don't use clearasil apart from as a last resort, it really dries out your skin and it will take about a month to rectify the sebum levels.


You need to trick your skin into thinking it already has enough oil in it. It's a catch 22, you get rid of the oil and the skin makes more in a panic which is why it's important to use a moisturiser - if your skin is greasy, use one with allantoin in it. Moisturiser wise, Aloe Vera will be very calming and also Jojoba cream is really good at balancing out skin that can't make its mind up.


Tbh I don't really rate Clarins for cleansers, I've tried them and they are no better than others. Elemis Lime cleanser is really good for oily skins but it doesn't sound like yours is; just that your sebum levels are all over the place instead.


Do you wear foundation? If so definitely use a cream cleanser, if not you'll be fine with a wash. Just remember to moisturise after.


You also say you've spent loads. It takes 28 days for the skin to renew itself so perservere with something as it will take four weeks for it to properly kick in and if it's a good product, your skin might get worse for a few days before it gets better as it brings the spots to the surface. Obviously don't if you have a bad reaction. :) The mask will also bring any underneath spots to the surface.


I'd open up your pores with a hot flannel, I'd use the Neutrogena wash you've got, plenty of cold water after to close your pores, then use Clinique clarifying lotion or Body shop tea tree freshener. Apply your BP cream sparingly and only where you need it, then apply some Body Shop tea tree moisturiser after. Also invest in some Vit E oil from H&barratt to treat your skin after in the areas where the BP has done its evil job.

I'd scrap the mask for now until you feel your face is more back on an even keel and then go for it no more than twice a week.

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I just thought about what Edna said re making your skin think its already greasy. When I started using bio oil on my face earlier this year, my skin started to automatically clear up. My friends thought I was wearing foundation when they saw my clearer face.

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I use St Ives apricot scrub (the invogorating stuff). Whenever i stop using it my spots gradually return. Ive recommended it to a few people and its worked. My brother used it throughout his teenage years and always had really clear skin. It feels really good aswell cos it really scrubs away at your skin.

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