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Highfield School for Girls . Sheffield.


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Didn't it also become an office for the DHSS (as it was in the 60's)?


I was a pupil at Brincliffe Grammar School during the 1960's and we had our "Domestic Science" lessons down at what I believe was Highfield School, is this the same one you're meaning Plain Talker?



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Hello Plain Talker and Sharrovian.

I was there from 58 to 64. There was another School that went into there for Cookery.

There were two Economic Rooms. One for the visiting School and the other for the pupils of the School itself.

There was also a Woodwork Room for visiting boys from other Schools. The School was altered inside and out.

Nice to speak to you all.

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Hi kath2ivan,


Thanks for that information. I STR that there were some prefab-y classrooms on the site (not the terrapins, but the asbestos walled things like wartime huts nearer sitwell road?) were they the workshops and home economics classrooms?


I'm assuming it must have been an ordinary school at that time, then, and not for children with learning difficulties?

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Hello Plain Talker.

In my time period 58 - 64.The entire School was for children with Learning Difficulties including the two Prefabs. There were of course different levels

of difficulties,but we were all treated the same. The three 'R's. Assembly. P.E. Dancing. Needle Craft. Baking. Swimming.


Speak to you soon love.

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Thank you for answering that query, I was talking with someone else on another forum, who said that a relative of theirs went to the school in the 1920's, and this relative was disabled, but I wasn't sure about how that school "worked" pre the 1960s.


As I said, a classmate of mine transferred across to there, and some friends of mine also went there but this was post 1968, and so I was not sure if things had been changed when the new education system came in, with the comprehensives etc, and whether Highfield had been changed at that time.


My own sister has LDs but she went to Bents Green Special School, I don't know if she'd have coped at Highfield, but she did extremely well at BGSS, and came on tremendously.

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Their were two huts accessed from Sitwell Rd. and in my time there each hut had two classrooms, one hut on the left was for Senior 3 and 4 boys, the other for S3 and S4 girls. The teachers were Mr. Buxton and Mr. Wright for the boys. We were kept away from each other quite strictly and at "playtime" the boys had to walk up to the main school whilst the girls stayed at the huts area, this was 1950-52.

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