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Would you lie to get a job?

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I'm going for a job interview soon and i know there will be some tough competition, i will only be in with a good chance of getting the job if i kinda lie about certain things at the interview, I have a pretty good chance of getting away with it and do feel i'm capable of doing the job in question.


I just wondered if any of you have or would ever lie on you job app or at an interview to get the job you desire?

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Putting a gloss on your talents, or exaggerating your experience is one thing. Downright lies are another - and have an unfortunate habit of coming up and biting the liar in the bum!


Concentrate on putting the most positive spin you can on the truth (which is what most people do - after all, an interview is no time to hide your light under a bushel) but avoid outright lies. If you get the job and you're found out, you'll probably lose the job anyway.

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