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What are people's thoughts on Steiner Schools

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Really? Is it compulsory attendance for those as well?


No, because where people say kids start school in a particular country at age 7 what they mean is compulsory education starts at age 7 (age 7 used as an example). However, most kids do go to kindergartens, and just to confuse the issue, many of them are free to attend! It's just that you are not made to go.


But most people want to go out to work, so why wouldn't you take up a free kindergarten place if offered? I understand in Germany the state particularly push kids from disadvantaged backgrounds into taking up places as they believe like us that early education is essential for working class kids.

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Each child is different and has different needs, one size does not fit all and it never has done.


I agree with that statement, however, my impression is that some parents latch onto the Steiner ethos and send their kids there, rather than actually questioning whether or not their child, given his/her individual requirements, would actually benefit.


There are too many parents around, IMO who impose what they want on their children.

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Originally Posted by Suffragette1

There are too many parents around, IMO who impose what they want on their children.

Isn't that what state schools do as well?
There's a difference between imposing a common education theme on people which will benefit them in mainstream society, and imposing an alternative and dubious education on kids which may mess them up for life.
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Originally Posted by Suffragette1

There are too many parents around, IMO who impose what they want on their children.

There's a difference between imposing a common education theme on people which will benefit them in mainstream society, and imposing an alternative and dubious education on kids which may mess them up for life.


But does it benefit them all though, that's what I meant. Even if it works for the majority(?) where does that leave the ones who struggle/don't get on with that method of learning/education etc? I'm not suggesting it shouldn't be there, just that having alternatives isn't a bad idea.


State/traditional education is what people are used to, most of the time. So anything different can be seen as strange/wrong to some.

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Originally Posted by Suffragette1

There are too many parents around, IMO who impose what they want on their children.

There's a difference between imposing a common education theme on people which will benefit them in mainstream society, and imposing an alternative and dubious education on kids which may mess them up for life.


How on earth could Steiner schooling "mess them up for life" and how is that in any way different to "main stream schooling"? Do you actually know anything about it or have any experience of it?

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Originally Posted by Suffragette1

There are too many parents around, IMO who impose what they want on their children.

There's a difference between imposing a common education theme on people which will benefit them in mainstream society, and imposing an alternative and dubious education on kids which may mess them up for life.


I previously mentioned the well documented cases of children who'd committed suicide due to their experiences in mainstream education i.e. children 'messed up for life' by conventional schooling.


Several people on this thread have mentioned personally knowing Steiner educated associates who, not only were not 'messed up for life', but, who are doing very well in mainstream society.


My personal experience of having a 'common education' forced on me, was that it did mess me up and, it took several years for me to come to terms with and overcome the extremely negative effects of conventional schooling.

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Originally Posted by Suffragette1

There are too many parents around, IMO who impose what they want on their children.

There's a difference between imposing a common education theme on people which will benefit them in mainstream society, and imposing an alternative and dubious education on kids which may mess them up for life.


You mean there is a difference in imposing something on a child because everyone else is doing it? Its ok to force you child into mainstream school because its the norm but its not ok for a parent to think well actually that is not the best for my child or good enough. I want them to have an alternative?

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You mean there is a difference in imposing something on a child because everyone else is doing it? Its ok to force you child into mainstream school because its the norm but its not ok for a parent to think well actually that is not the best for my child or good enough. I want them to have an alternative?


That was one of the things I was trying to say, but you worded it much better! :thumbsup:

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