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What are people's thoughts on Steiner Schools

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There are too many parents around, IMO who impose what they want on their children.


I actually meant in a wider context and should have clarified this at the outset. Some kids will get crucified in the private system, yet many parents, it would seem don't take their child's temperament and personality etc into consideration and may well be setting them up for failure. I have known this to happen with friends of mine, who would have thrived in a good comp and done far better than being placed in an uber competitive environment. Equally, there are some chiildren who will be sent to Steiner schools when it is totally wrong for them, but the parent/s perceive it as a better option.


What I was trying to say was that sometimes when it comes to parental choices, parents make them based on thier beliefs and principles, rather than what is the best for that particular child.

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When I've had chance to read through this thread and digest it all I will give a response, speaking as a parent of children who have attended Steiner education and as a former Steiner teacher.



Titian, I'm managing an alternative education project at a gallery in Sheffield and very interested in Steiner, Montessori, Ruskin and others. I've just written my final degree report on it. Would you like to hear about it? Please be careful reading anonymous posts, it took me a long time to learn not to take some things on forums too seriously. Feel free to PM / email.



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Anyway, in general I don't belive in holding kids back. Early reading is a tremendous advantage. I was always a couple of years ahead of everyone at primary - in fact the state held me back!


My school didn't like that I was so far ahead with reading and maths when I started school, it did make me feel a bit left out because I was often bored. Weird really they could have just moved me up a class but they want to make everyone the same. The trouble is it fails on all counts because the brighter students are bored and the others get stressed because they can't keep up-it makes no sense. Maybe less structure would be good?

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Titian, I'm managing an alternative education project at a gallery in Sheffield and very interested in Steiner, Montessori, Ruskin and others. I've just written my final degree report on it. Would you like to hear about it? Please be careful reading anonymous posts, it took me a long time to learn not to take some things on forums too seriously. Feel free to PM / email.




Hi Jon


Does your Alternative Education project encompass home education? We have a large HE group in Sheffield and it might be interesting for some of the kids to be involved in this project?

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