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Munich 70 years on

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So we have now reached the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Munich agreement - a heinous act which signed away a country - Czechoslovakia - in the vain hope that war would be averted. Chamberlain waved his worthless scrap of toilet paper as he descended to the tarmac of Heston airfield a few days later, believing he had secured peace in our time. Churchill told him otherwise on 5th October in the Commons, during his famous "We have sustained a great defeat" speech. Of course, Churchill was howled at for daring to tell the truth, but by then he was well used to it - having been ridiculed as an old Victorian warmonger ever since Hitler came to power on 30th January 1933.


As we know only too well, history does have a habit of repeating itself - as Aneurin Bevan remarked with his now famous phrase "Why gaze into the crystal when you can read the book?" And today, Israel has become the new Czechoslovakia, and not only politicians, but vast swathes of the population of the West have this stupid belief that if we somehow sign Israel away, all will be fine and dandy. We now know that signing Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland away in 1938 didn't leave things fine and dandy. It only emboldened Hitler and made him stronger at home. Six months later, the rest of Czecoslovakia was swallowed up, and 11 months later Poland was invaded. Almost 60 million lives were lost in a catastrophic war, and the Czechs wouldn't taste freedom again for over half a century. And we also ought to know that doing the same to Israel will only embolden the Islamists and prove beyond all doubt to our growing band of enemies that the West is a paper tiger paralysed with fear, racked with 'white guilt' and is petrified at the sight of its own shadow, thanks to 40 years of gulping down the toxic potion of debilitating political correctness and multicultural gunk. And we should hardly forget Solzhenitsyn's famous quote "Should one point out that from ancient times, a decline in courage has been considered the beginning of the end?" And the decline in courage here in the West has been precipitous, and has not been lost on the likes of Ahmadinejad and many others. This weakness was laid bare in a matter of weeks during the summer just past. Putin, Ahmadinejad, Chavez to name but a few, all queued up to test out the West and all came to the same dire conclusions - that we are on the slide.


And anyone with an I.Q greater than 50 ought to know that the fall of Israel to the likes of Hizbollah will put Israel's nuclear arsenal in the hands of terrorist outfits - crazies who welcome death upon themselves if it means wiping out millions of infidels. And wipe us out en masse they will if they get their hands on anything between 150 and 300 Israeli nukes. That is why sappy Westerners should think twice about condemning Israel if Hizbollah starts another missile offensive on Northern Israel. And if that happens, the Israelis should ignore the West and do what the likes of Augustus Caesar would have done, because being hated but alive is a damned sight better than being hated and dead. No matter what the Israelis do, they'll never be liked, because the antisemite count in the West is at its highest since Kristallnacht. Only this time, the Left have assumed the role of the black-shirted Hitlerite stormtrooper, with all the antisemitic baggage that comes with it.

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you could have something there, maybe we should force irael to dissarm before anything untoward happens..


If Israel disarms, it will be wiped off the map by invading Arabs.



If Hezbollah and the other anti-Israeli groups disarm, there will be peace.


Your call.

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If Israel disarms, it will be wiped off the map by invading Arabs.



If Hezbollah and the other anti-Israeli groups disarm, there will be peace.


Your call.

so,dissarm israel...who knows,it may even bring about a peace treaty,after all,the israelies are protected by america and other countries so they would keep a close eye on things,the arab nations would feel more comfortable and possibly settle down
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If Israel disarms, it will be wiped off the map by invading Arabs.


If Hezbollah and the other anti-Israeli groups disarm, there will be peace.


Your call.


Is this really true though? Do the Israelis even want a peace settlement?


The impression I have is that the Arabs want to talk to Israel and America, but the Neo-cons in Washington don't want to.


And what actions have the Israelis done to ensure peace in the Middle East? Every time Hamas wishes to engage in peace talks with the Israelis, the Israelis refuse to meet them, declaring any Palestinian ceasefire as a 'deceptive lull' or accuse them of rearming.


I feel that Israel has no intention of making peace with the Arabs. And why would they want to? Making peace with the Arabs would mean Israel has to decide on its final borders, which they haven't yet done, have they?


By claiming to be in a permanent state of war, Israel has the green light to occupy more Palestinian territory under the guise of their anti-terrorism operations.


Nobody criticises the Israelis for continuing to build settlements on land they've stolen from the Palestinians, in violation of the Oslo Peace Accord.


And nobody criticises them for killing hundreds of Palestinian and Western civilians during their anti-terror operations.


Compare this to the condemnation the Palestinians receive when they kill a few Israelis.

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And we also ought to know that doing the same to Israel will only embolden the Islamists and prove beyond all doubt to our growing band of enemies that the West is a paper tiger paralysed with fear, racked with 'white guilt' and is petrified at the sight of its own shadow, thanks to 40 years of gulping down the toxic potion of debilitating political correctness and multicultural gunk.


White guilt? Ha ha! White guilt is the reason Israel exists in the first place!


As for 'political correctness and multicultural gunk', which ethnic group has been ramming this down our throats for several decades, through their control of media and government?


Have you seen any childrens BBC programmes recently? It's like walking through the streets of Burngreave. Hardly any white people anywhere!

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If Hezbollah and the other anti-Israeli groups disarm, there will be peace.


Your call.



Peace can only be brought about by the end of the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.


The fact that many Palestinians are armed only with stones, doesn't stop them being thrown (or Israel shooting back with machine guns).


Simply put:


No justice - No peace.

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Peace can only be brought about by the end of the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.


The fact that many Palestinians are armed only with stones, doesn't stop them being thrown (or Israel shooting back with machine guns).


Simply put:


No justice - No peace.


I think Bananagirl has hit the nail right on the head. Top post.

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Peace can only be brought about by the end of the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.


The fact that many Palestinians are armed only with stones, doesn't stop them being thrown (or Israel shooting back with machine guns).


Simply put:


No justice - No peace.

What occupation of Palestinian lands?


I'm sure the Israelis wish the so-called Palestinians were only armed with stones.


As for 'peace', it seems your definition of peace is the end of Israel and the sending of its population to the gas chambers.


And when will you call for an end to the near 60-year-long Chinese occupation of Tibet? Or doesn't that count?

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What occupation of Palestinian lands?


I'm sure the Israelis wish the so-called Palestinians were only armed with stones.


As for 'peace', it seems your definition of peace is the end of Israel and the sending of its population to the gas chambers.

thats a very nasty accusation there firecracker,just because you hate the palastinians it gives you no right to assume posters hate the jews, maybe they just dont like the way they use a sledgehammer to crack a nut over in occupied palestine

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