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Munich 70 years on

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thats a very nasty accusation there firecracker,just because you hate the palastinians it gives you no right to assume posters hate the jews, maybe they just dont like the way they use a sledgehammer to crack a nut over in occupied palestine


You're bang on there Depoix. I'm afraid Firecracker has a major difficulty in appreciating that being critical of Israeli policy doesn't neccesarily equate to hating Jews.

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What occupation of Palestinian lands?


I'm sure the Israelis wish the so-called Palestinians were only armed with stones.


Why, the illegal occupation of Palestine by a bunch of Eastern European and Russian immigrant 'Jews' who are about as ethnically Semitic as Genghis Khan, that's what.

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You're bang on there Depoix. I'm afraid Firecracker has a major difficulty in appreciating that being critical of Israeli policy doesn't neccesarily equate to hating Jews.

Waiting 60 years to get your wish must be a really painful experience, just like lying on a bed of red hot coals.

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What occupation of Palestinian lands?


Gaza and the West Bank as you well know.


I'm sure the Israelis wish the so-called Palestinians were only armed with stones


Will you ever get your obstinate head around the idea that two wrongs don't make a right?

I'm sure the Palestinians wish they weren't denied access to jobs, food, adequate sanitation and water.


As for 'peace', it seems your definition of peace is the end of Israel and the sending of its population to the gas chambers.

Being critical of Israel's illegal occupation is not the same as hating Jews. As you well know - but choose to ignore.

And when will you call for an end to the near 60-year-long Chinese occupation of Tibet? Or doesn't that count?

Pointless distraction.

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Gaza and the West Bank as you well know.




Will you ever get your obstinate head around the idea that two wrongs don't make a right?

I'm sure the Palestinians wish they weren't denied access to jobs, food, adequate sanitation and water.



Being critical of Israel's illegal occupation is not the same as hating Jews. As you well know - but choose to ignore.


Pointless distraction.

Gaza was a part of Egypt, and the West Bank was Jordanian up until 1967. But it seems that since 1967, all manner of leftists have jumped on Israel for daring to score a massive victory against those who wanted to destroy it.

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You damn well know what I'm on about, but you're afraid of looking an even bigger fool than what you already are.


Genuinely haven't a clue - unless you're such a clown as to be suggesting that I dislike Jews or take some kind of pleasure from the holocaust?

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a bunch of Eastern European and Russian immigrant 'Jews' who are about as ethnically Semitic as Genghis Khan


yeah right. I can tell you've never set foot in Israel, Had you done so, then you would know that there's quite often no way to tell Jews apart from Arabs just by looking at them, and not just the high number of Oriental/Mizrahi Israelis whose forebear's years in the diaspora were spent in North Africa the Middle East, but Ashkenhazis as well :




|| Despite 2000 years of Diaspora, the relatedness of the Jews of Eastern European ("Ashkenazi"), North African ("Sephardic") and Middle Eastern ("Oriental") origin can be demonstrated by genetic marker analysis.... Virtually all Jews came from the Middle East as evidenced by the clustering of their Y chromosomal haplotypes




|| Genetic studies among Cohanim [Jewish priests] from all over the world reveal the truth behind this [Jewish] oral tradition. About 50 percent of Cohanim in both Sephardic [eastern] and Ashkenazic [western Jewish] populations have an unusual set of genetic markers on their Y chromosome. What is equally striking is that this genetic signature of the Cohanim is rarely found outside of Jewish populations.


|| The evidence suggests the Cohanim chromosomes coalesce at a date that corresponds with when the priesthood is thought to have begun ["about 3,000 years ago"].

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